- eighteen : in my veins -

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You guys are about to get hit in the feels times one hundred.

This honestly, has to be my favorite moment of these two so far for so many of the right reasons.

Mainly because today, we're going to get a very special moment with these two featuring their song In My Veins by Andrew Belle!

So whenever the moment comes, play the song. Don't worry, I'll alert you guys about it.

Anyways, enjoy my loves! Stay safe, I love you and bye!

Cassie The next day flew by

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The next day flew by. Minutes felt like seconds, and hours felt like minutes.

Jade was free to leave the hospital, and needless to say, I felt the ultimate amount of relief whenever I heard that. Knowing that my little sister would be safe and under the same roof as me was enough to make me smile for the next week.

A far as school went, I didn't attend school those three days Jade was in the hospital, and rightfully so.

However, I was required to perform the expiermenet on Friday. Which was rather nerve-wracking, considering this would determine my grade and possible boost up for the finals, and...

My relationship with Felix. This entire situation would determine whether I was to stay with Felix or not.

Before I knew it, on that very Wednesday night, I sat on the hardwood floor of my room, surrounded by what felt to be a infinite number of text books and notes.

With Felix.

He had recently dyed his warm chocolate brown hair to a platinum blonde, and I found myself staring at him as a blonde strand of hair fell into his line of vision. Felix looked incredibly focused on the paper in front of him. His gorgeous dark eyes scanned up and down the damn piece of paper, and my God, from this angle his freckles looked outrageously fantastic. God surely took time-

"Are you just going to stare at me with that look on your face or are you going to actually attempt to study, Cassie?"

I stopped staring automatically, and realized quickly that the tip of my eraser was in my mouth and my mind was still drifting to him only seconds ago.

The smirk on his face only proceeded to piss me off, so I scowled and brought my pencil down to meet the piece of paper, writing absolute nonsense just to look like I was doing something.

Oh come on. You can't tell me you haven't done that in front of a crush in class.

Felix sighed and sat his text book down, and began to stand up as I gave him a confused look. Snorting, Felix picked me up in his arms, and I squealed. "What are you doing?"

My Greatest Enemy is My Soulmate | Lee Felix ✔Where stories live. Discover now