Cassandra Watts was known as the singer who hid her voice away from those she loved, and all of those she didn't.
When a ten year battle between her and her most sacred enemy, Lee Felix (...
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Cassie Wednesday morning approached quicker than I anticipated, and I found thay every small second of first period that passed that I was going to spasm out.
Yesterday, as soon as I parked in the parking lot of school, it felt like a game of survival. Hundreds upon hundreds of students approached me and asked if me and Felix were dating.
And me, being me, just walked away from the crowd and kept quiet.
But just because I waa quiet, didn't mean Felix would be.
His words on his Twitter yesterday noon at lunch were exactly: Me and Cassie wish to keep things between us private. We could be dating, or we may not be dating. Either way, we want to keep this thing we have between us hidden away until we feel comfortable talking about it.
Courtesy of the deal if we were to reveal if we (could be) dating or not.
Today though, everything depended on if I got Felix as my lab partner though. And I was wishing with every small piece of my soul that I got anyone but Felix.
I mean, come on! How unrealistic would it be to get Felix anyways?
Halfway through our lesson though, soccer hot boy (and also my current lab partner) Corbyn Feltz asked in a whisper in my ear, "You still haven't answered my question as to if you and Lee are dating yet, Cass."
Corbyn played on the soccer team with Felix, and it was pretty clear that they were always neck to neck in a constant battle. It could be the smallest thing and they'd still fight over it.
I've known Corbyn since eighth grade, and everyone keeps whispering about how much Corbyn liked me since the last day of sophomore year.
Regardless, no matter how attractive the black haired and blue eyed player was, I didn't find any interest in dating him. Corbyn was just a friend, clearly.
In a small tone, I whispered back, "We may be dating, we may not be dating." Corbyn only rolled his eyes and smirked, responding back with,
"I hope not. After all, you are way too good for him." I was then way too fully aware of Felix's presence in the back of the room. After all, it was like his pair of eyes was burning a hole through my soul.
My eyebrow rose and defending Felix (surprisingly), I said, "Well your not exactly the best either, Corbyn."
I heard a snicker from the back of the room, and the faintest whisper of, "Amazing job, Cass."
Redness filled my cheeks. I looked down and refrained from smiling.
Thirty minutes passed, and I found myself on the edge of my seat.
Right before everyone began packing up for the end of class, Mr. Pearings then said while taking off his classes, "Now, as requested, today is the announcement of who your new lab partner will be for this project."
Everyone froze and paid complete attention to Pearings. My heart began racing, and I looked towards Alina and she silently mouthed, "This is it."
I nodded, my heart skipping a beat as I took a look at Chan who sat behind her, his eyes glued to my best friend with a certain kind of smile on his face.
Feelings of hope filled my gut. The way Chan looked at Alina spoke millions of words only they could identify as one. When was the quarterback going to claim the love of his life?
If they didn't get partnered up, I would riot. Simple as that.
As Mr. Pearings began listing names, I paid special attention. We were halfway down the list, and neither me or Felix's name has been called yet.
Anxiety was definitely a bitch.
Pair number ten was next. Mr. Pearings then announced, "Bang Chan and..."
Say Alina Harper, say Alina Harper, say Alina Harper! I prayed over and over in my head.
"...Alina Harper." Everyone in this very class smirked and let out breaths of relief.
Including me.
When I turned to see Alina's reaction, I half smile was plastered on her face, and I stuck up a thumbs up and mouthed, "Congrats!" Alina chuckled a beautiful sound.
And two pairs later, alas came the second to last annoucenment. I was panicking. The only people left were me, Felix, Corbyn, and Nathan Rey. God...
"Cassandra Watts and," I found myself sealing my eyes shut, not ready to see this unfold. I didn't have to look at my enemy to know he was smirking. "Lee Felix."
My eyes flew open, and my heart stopped.
Oh, but it was, and as soon as Corbyn and Nathan were announced as the last partner, the bell rung and I still didn't grasp onto what was happening.
Standing up, I saw that Corbyn had a sour look on his face as he walked out of the room. I sighed and ran a hand through my long brown hair in stress.
From behind me, Felix crept up on me and whispered, "Meet you on the football field at lunch, partner." His Aussie accent definitely didn't make me feel better.
We were now fifty percent into the deal.
Now here was the real part: if we passed or failed this damn thing.
And I swore to myself, I would do everything in my power to win this bet.