Cassandra Watts was known as the singer who hid her voice away from those she loved, and all of those she didn't.
When a ten year battle between her and her most sacred enemy, Lee Felix (...
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Cassie There was always that familiar feeling of walking through that door to home after school.
You immediately got that thought like, damn, I survived another day of screaming and torture. Another day down, a trillion more to go!
Right whenever I close the front door, I drop my backpack at the front door and sluggishly walk to the couch, falling face first in it with a profoundingly long groan of laziness.
Honeslty, this had to be a mood.
Footsteps signaled my mother walking down the stairs, and she said unsurprised, "Hard day?" With a twist of sarcasm.
I didn't have to look at my mother to know her dark eyebrow was raised and she was staring at me with that did-I-really-give-birth-to-this-creature look.
My words came out muffled because of my face buried in the couch, "You have no idea."
She really didn't. My enemy was shamelessly flirting with me, my thoughts were glued to college and I was thinking of all the ways I had to keep from getting that same enemy from being my lab partner.
Walking over to me, Mom sat next to me and rubbed my back encouragingly enough and said, "Just head upstairs and do your homework and then you can relax, Cassie." I nodded and got up, grabbing my backpack.
I was halfway up the stairs whenever my mom called, "And Cassandra?"
I froze. Uh oh. She said my entire first name. Not Cassie or Cass, but Cassandra.
I readied myself to bloody death.
Clearing my throat, I peeped out, "Yeah, mommy dearest?"
Good. Just be sweet, Cass.
Surprisingly, Mom didn't scream at me or show any sign of anger when she said, "I saw you this morning. I want you in your car and driving to school on time tomorrow, Cass."
I let out a sound of relief as I yelled back, "Okay!" And scampered off to my room.
That night, I took it upon myself to actually post a selfie on Instagram.
One of the largest struggles of being a teenager, was defiently working those angles. I was always having some sort of issue with the way my nose looked or the way my mouth was perked up.
It made me all the more human though, that's what Veronica has always told me.
Sighing while posting my picture, I wrote the first caption that came to mind.
Pressing post, it took no time at all before comments and likes poured in, and I refrained from reading them for now.
I'd look at them tonight, when I was laying in bed and thinking back on my day. Which may actually come as a surprise to many teenagers, because usually it was absolutely torturous to even wait five minutes before checking your notifications.