- thirteen : you are the badass -

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FelixThe days I spent with Woojin were always a treat

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The days I spent with Woojin were always a treat. Me and him would talk for hours upon hours and just eat our favorite Korean snacks while playing video games or watching TV.

While stuffing a chip into his mouth, Woojin asked, "So how's Cassie?"

A warm smile was brought to my face. Anytime someone would even mention her name, I was shot into some lovesick mood that kept me on a love high all day.

I know.

It was all very sickening.

"Great. We told our parents we're dating yesterday over dinner." God. Most interesting moment of my life by far.

Woojin's dark eyes widened into the size of saucers. "Jesus man...what did they say? I can only imagine they flipped shit. Not in a bad way of course."

I breathed in and out as I said, "They handled it rather...well. If you would even call Cassie's dad dropping a glass cup well that is."

Woojin almost spit out his soda at the final part of the sentence. Then he turned his head to me and asked, "The man broke a glass cup over it?"

I swallowed my Korean yogurt and shrugged. "It's not like he feels indifferent about me. After an hour of repeating over and over again we were really dating, all four of them came to accept it. Our moms definitely are over the fucking moon about it though."

Clapping me on the back in approval, Woojin said, "That's awesome Felix. Hopefully it won't go the same way in ten years when you tell them you're marrying Cassie."

Swallowing my yogurt slowly, I couldn't help but imagine how that would go.

Wait...since when was I getting married?! Why am I even thinking about this?

Instead, I laughed and said in approval, "You my friend, definetly are correct. Is it wrong I'm seventeen and already am sure of the exact girl I want to marry?"

Woojin shook his head and said with every bit of sureness, "Definetly not. I think it's poetic actually. I mean you've known Cassie for ten years and you've even told me at one point you know her more than you know yourself. If that doesn't scream soulmates, I don't know what the hell does."

I looked to Woojin and smiled a easy kind of smile. Out of the entire group, Woojin was wise beyond his years. I didn't get how Blaire hadn't noticed him yet.

Or has she?

Just that one thought made me question Blaire and Woojin's history (if they even had one) completely. I decided to tease him on the subject.

"So Woojin. I can only imagine the type of girl you'll marry. Curly red hair, green eyes, the body of a supermodel, her name must start with a B and end with a E." Woojin's cheeks colored a dark red, his eyes frozen before he brushed off the subject with,

My Greatest Enemy is My Soulmate | Lee Felix ✔Where stories live. Discover now