- fifteen : a sister's love is forever -

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Felix That Monday at lunch before Cassie officially arrived, I took it upon myself to tell the guys the amazing news of me and Cassie going on our first date

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That Monday at lunch before Cassie officially arrived, I took it upon myself to tell the guys the amazing news of me and Cassie going on our first date.

It was freezing outside, and I thanked God for that because of what I had planned later, and I turned to my group and announced, "Me and Cassie are going on our first official date tonight."

All eight if them exploded and congratulated me with congratulations and excitement.

Chan then said while taking a sip of his hot cocoa out of his thermos, "Congrats man, it's about time." I chuckled.

"Wise words of Bang Chan," Jisung commented, clapping me on the back. I looked off into the distance in thought as Seungmin asked,

"So, where are you taking her?" I cracked a smile that hid a secret and said,

"That's for me to know and you eight to keep wondering about. But, tonight is a night that will go down in history. And before any of you ask why, it's because I want to tell Cassie that I love her."

The group was in such a happy shock, that when Hyunjin's jaw fell wide open, Jeongin dropped his bag of chips all over the bleachers.

Well, rest in peace Monday lunch's potatoe chips.

Then Minho jumped up and yelled at the top of his lungs for practically the whole entire school to hear, "TEN YEARS! TEN YEARS TOO MANY AND IT IS ABOUT FUCKING TIME!"

I can't even count how many students turned to look at him from the bleachers and the field.

Woojin face-palmed and mumbled something along the lines of, "Why do I feel like one of those embarrassed mothers?"

Changbin burst out laughing and answered, "Because you are, Woojinnie."

I just couldn't stop smiling at this point. There was no possible way anything could ruin tonight.


Cassie I sat at my vanity at five in the afternoon that night, looking at my reflection in the oval shaped mirror

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I sat at my vanity at five in the afternoon that night, looking at my reflection in the oval shaped mirror.

My whole mind was blank. This was huge.

My Greatest Enemy is My Soulmate | Lee Felix ✔Where stories live. Discover now