- twenty - five : the love and hate that collided -

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Oh. My. Gosh.

We have reached the last chapter of the book. After three entire months, this book is being wrapped up. I'm literally tearing up just thinking about it 😭❤

The epilogue will feature two separate chapters, really just two parts. The first part will be centered around one year later, and the second part will feature three years later.

So I dedicate this chapter to all of you who have stuck with me since the beginning, reading about Felix and Cassie's love story with hopeful eyes. Enjoy.

CassieThe entire way to our mystery destination was full of a comfortable silence and me grasping onto Felix's hand with the warmth of my heart

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The entire way to our mystery destination was full of a comfortable silence and me grasping onto Felix's hand with the warmth of my heart.

I watched as the chill of the air outside frosted the windows, the trees of Oregon speeding away as Felix drove.

My present for Felix was in my lap, the rectangular form feeling like a weight of a thousand worlds.

I still could not believe I was giving him this. Truly, the rest of my life I would probably die of embarrassment. But I knew that he would want this, especially because Morgan told me so whenever she helped me prepare it with only my memories and hands at work.

Closing my eyes, I realized the day that was Thanksgiving today flashed by, leaving me with one last Thanksgiving with my family next year, the edge is adulthood in its peak.

The thought terrified me beyond measure, but I had to remind myself that the year that remained ahead of me would be full of something I hadn't found the year before--this year.

Except, it felt as if I had found everything I needed. I had found more memories to store in my head for years and years to come, I had found more passion with singing than ever before, I had found my constant family through awful hardships, but most of all, I found a love that was irreplaceable.

Naturally, my chocolate brown eyes slid to look at the focused male next to me, his hands firmly on the steering wheel with a concentrated flicker of his eyebrows. I smiled at the love of my life, warmth filling me.

"My love," He began, a sort of memorizing glint in those eyes as he looked forward. "You're staring at me again."

I had to keep from chuckling at the last word in that sentence, because it was so fitting at a lovey dovey time like this.

Still, I caught the look of satisfaction glossing over Felix's face, and I could tell even without looking him in the eyes that he appreciated me with every fibre of his being.

"Maybe it's because I love you so much." I said, meaning every last word in that sentence.

Felix squeezed my hand, his lips outstretched in a blissful smile. "I love you too."

My Greatest Enemy is My Soulmate | Lee Felix ✔Where stories live. Discover now