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(lilo are the dads and lou is trans, if that makes you uncomfortable I'm sorry :( )


The thunder echoed through the entire mechanic shop, each drop of raining leaving an echo of the metal to reverberate throughout the small area. Each worker had their own doings, and Niall's shift today called for the responsibilities of the break room and emergency calls. He mostly did paperwork, not really appreciating his hands getting dirty, whilst his dad associates himself with the customers outside and dealt with the actual vehicles themselves. It not as though Niall doesn't have the knowledge to replace a wheel or check the oil, it's the minor fact that he prefers not to and since it's his dad's business, he often finds himself doing what he feels is most ideal.

The blonde boy wasn't expecting anything much, especially so late in their hours people usually don't show up. So, sitting idly by the desk he began to doodle or write cute little lyrics because he also pursued music as well. Although most of the days he found himself tied up in the mechanic shop, the boy's main goal was to become an artist rather than own the family business.

Humming softly to himself in the otherwise quiet room, he began to think about the family's current situation. Liam was always working his ass off but the money never seemed to come in, and Niall couldn't help but feel a bit drained from all of it.

The thing is, is that his other dad, Louis, was sick. He assumed somehow, working as a prostitute, that they had caught a disease. HIV, to be exact and the family was going crazy trying to solve it; trying to afford all the medical bills and treatments necessary but the money just wasn't there for them to spend, rather they found themselves in a bigger pile a debt than when they started.

"Niall?" His father walked in, eyes bloodshot and completely drenched as he took off his boots and addressed his son. "I need you to handle the next customer, Lou isn't feeling well and I have to check up on him."

Not another word was spoken between the two, because it really wasn't necessary. And even though they were trying their hardest, he knew his dad was going to die. They were only three months in and without the proper medication and support, their was no hope.

The government supplied them with necessary items and medications but it wasn't enough, and Niall, at the end of the day, didn't know if anything could ever be.

"Alright, Pa. Tell Lou I say hi."

And the blonde walked out, gaze on the ground watching his tattered converse smack against the concrete floors of their 'office'. It was pouring outside, to the point where the teen actually was frightened and hadn't any clue how he could possibly work in conditions like this but he didn't really have a choice, not anymore at least.

The car pulled up obviously had two flat tires, but the thing that shocked him was the fact that it was a brand new Mercedes— something you never see around areas like theirs.

"Sir?" The Irish accent was thick, each drop of rain pounding harshly on his head seeing as their car port broke months ago. "Sir, may I ask what exactly is the main issue? I see you have two flats is that all that's necessary?" He questioned as he lightly tapped at the tinted window, still in slight astonishment seeing as he was never even allowed to be this close to such a fancy car. He bet the monthly payments themselves could support his family.

He jumped a little in shock when the window lowered, revealing an intimidating looking man that seemed to be a part of something as incredulous as the FBI. He was wearing an ear piece and sunglasses, as though to hide his identity.

"Who are you? Let me see the owner of this facility?"

"I'm sorry, sir, to disappoint but my father left moments ago. I promise, however, that I am well informed in the business."

And the sunglasses couldn't stop the skeptic look that plastered itself across the seemingly older man's face, and he watched as what he assumed to be the driver turned back to have a private discussion with the passenger.

"Let him fix it, it's fine." A raspy voice replied, it was almost like an exhausted croak and Niall couldn't help but relate.

"Thank you, sir. I'll have to ask you to step out fo the vehicle for a proper inspection." And the man in the back seat was quick to oblige, though the driver was hesitant to follow.

"Nikolas! Out of the car!" And the demand was strong, steady, and caused a couple of shivers to go down Niall's spine as he gulped softly, eyes searching the interior because: is that Italian leather?

"Boss, I'm sorry but this low-life is staring at our car like it's a piece of meat. I'm not leaving him alone with it."

And Harry watched as the young boy flinched at the harsh words, he felt his mouth go dry. And opening to speak, a pair of blue eyes met his and he watched as the teen gave him a strained smile before addressing the driver.

"I'm sorry, sir," the proper terms were starting to get on the curly haired man's nerve as he watched the boy visibly shrink underneath their gazes, "if you really feel uncomfortable you can stay outside and watch as I work, I only instructed you to do otherwise seeing as you two look exhausted and its pouring."

Harry curiously tilted his head, giving his driver an impatient huff as he scolded, "And 'our' car? This is mine and your mere duty is to operate it, step out of the vehicle and get your ass inside before I deduct your pay."


Niall squinted as he meticulously gathered the items, making sure he had everything he needed before dragging out two spare tires, rolling the rough material with the bare palm of his hands as he did so.

"How old are you?" Harry asked quietly, noticing the boy's limber stature, it was obvious in the worker's appearance that he couldn't have been older than twenty. It worried the older man, because shouldn't a boy his age be in college? He remembered that at seventeen he was already being flown to New York for Columbia University.

" 'm nineteen, sir." Niall responded kindly, appreciating the effort at small talk as he glanced behind his shoulder to see the taller man leaning against the grimy wall, due to the rain it was covered in mud and Niall couldn't help but feel belittled. That suit was probably worth three months rent.

"Uh, sir, you may want to head inside, your suit is going to get dirty." The blonde warned, smiling softly before turning to work on the car. It was impeccable, the way it was designed and the paint job, by far the most expensive car he'd ever laid eyes on.

"Ah, don't worry about that, I've got too many either way." And Harry knew it was the wrong thing to say when he saw the boy's shoulders slouch incredibly, the tools falling out of his hand in shock and he couldn't help but feel sympathetic.

"S-sorry, sir." And he had too many? Meaning he just had a closet of suits that could probably pay off ever medical bill driving his family to the ground? God, Niall thought sadly, if only I was in that predicament.

Harry cleared his throat awkwardly, scratching the nape of his neck as he attempted to come up with something to say, "So, Niall, are you taking night classes?"

"I'm sorry, sir?"

"For college." The wealthy man clarified, and he watched the boy's reaction, scared that he'll receive yet another negative one but instead, he was given a laugh. And he smiled, because it was by far the happiest and brightest thing he's heard all day.

"No, sir. College is not an option for me. 'reckon I'll just work here for the rest of me life."

And it only took an hour or two, maybe even less and to be honest the man was shocked at how quick the boy worked, for the tires to be replaced and the money to be settled.


Niall sighed softly as he made his way back to the sheltered area, exhausted already and just wanting to go home but he closed up shop in two hours. So, he searched for the ripped napkin he had been working on before, lyrics in his head repeating themselves so he wouldn't forget.

And then, as he moved the mouse pad placed on the desk, he saw an envelope with his name written on it, and furrowing his eye brows immediately he opened the message.

Stacks of hundreds came flowing out and the only little note read:

All the love, H.

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