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(a little peek into Harry's mind)

If heaven could be described in a moment, a singular span of seconds, Harry would mark it as this one. The way they morphed into one another seemed almost unreal, and he pleaded silently for the moment to never cease for he had grown such an attachment to the boy before him. It was almost innocent, the way everything transpired, and he thanked the universe for allowing him to make the right decisions; his choices having allowed this result to occur. The brunette was beginning to pull away, for a breath most likely, but Harry chased after the addicting pair of lips before they could disconnect, unwilling to let them separate after what seemed to be a too short act of intimacy.

Niall giggled against his mouth, the blush still evident on his face, smile bright and blue eyes shining with all sorts of joyous emotions; Harry could feel himself swoon, trying to decipher whether to close his eyes and try to implant the memory of Niall's lips into his mind or open them and analyze the perfect being before him.

It felt so intense, and his heart swelled with excitement and giddiness as he chose to peek his eyes open, an immediate smile placing on his lips as he took in the sight of his boy in front of him. "Let's go out on a proper date." He suggested breathlessly, willing to fucking stop time if it meant that he could be in the boy's presence for just moments longer.

"Hazza, you know I have to work till six." Niall spoke begrudgingly, but the words were muffled beneath the bliss Harry delved in as an effect of the nickname. "But don't worry, I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm free for lunch!" The boy gently cradled the others face before pecking the older man's nose, heart pumping wildly as he realized the confidence reflected in his actions.

Harry just melted underneath the grip, relishing in the feeling of this young adult because he hadn't ever felt this many butterflies in his stomach before. He hadn't ever witnessed anything like this, better yet actually experience it for himself.

A part of his conscious felt bad for whoever decided to leave this boy out of their life- perhaps an old friend, colleague, worker- because goddamn he was an angel.

"Stay here." The teen murmured against his nose before closing his eyes and indulging in another kiss; a proper one this time which cause Harry to let out a soft appreciative noise of satisfaction. They stayed for a while before pulling away, Niall giggling once more and Harry just smiling in pure joy as he felt his heart race and the tips of his ears heat with the strength of his blush.

" 'm not going anywhere at this point." He replied, laying down his body gently onto the couch beside the main desk, gazing at his boy as he placed his head on the arm rest.

So beautiful, he thought wonderfully to himself as he endured every perfect feature of the Irish man, awaiting the most likely teasing situation that would occur when he would inevitably get caught staring.

He was just glad he could do it openly now, he had grown tired of having to snatch quick glances only when the teen wasn't paying any mind, which was almost never as the boy was extremely observant.

"How's the lawsuit coming along?" The accent questioned with thick reluctance, as if he didn't want ask but felt the need to do so anyway.

Harry just closed his eyes and smiled a little more, his grin genuine and delicate as he paid all his attention to Niall himself. "It's as good as any could get. Big chance of losing money though, but I suppose I had enough anyway."

"Yeah, but you worked for that money." he countered, "That crazy ass woman shouldn't be given anything as they would just encourage that behavior she's exuding." The other wasn't even gazing at him, too busy doodling on a napkin before typing some logs into the computer, "These court cases always cater to the mentally unstable, don't ya' think? Always finding excuses—"

"Don't get all political on me now, Angel," he chuckled softly, "Or I might just have to put my lawyer on your ass."

Niall laughed in response, shaking his head and muttering a quiet: "You're an idiot." before resuming whatever he was doing, leaving Harry alone to consider his thoughts.

They hadn't been out on a date, had only kissed twice, and had only associated themselves with one another for three months or so, yet Harry feels as though he's known the boy for his entire life; as though this young adult before him was the actual love of his life. He was smart, funny, beautiful, generous, and just the sweetest person he's ever met.

The man pondered for a little while, searching through the others physical features as he did so because now that he finally got a slimmer of a taste, he couldn't help but crave more. He wanted to take him out, hold his hand, and even kiss him in front of the paparazzi. He never liked displaying his relationships for the public but with Niall that's all he wanted to do; he needed everyone to know that he managed to snatch such a genuinely beautiful person. Not one that was just physically beautiful, not one that was only appeasing because they were fake, rather one that was both real and gorgeous. One that was immensely attractive as well as being kind and honest. This relationship, whether just beginning or not, was something Harry was not taking advantage of, because the feelings that Niall gave him, the desire to show everyone that Niall was his, had never occurred with anyone else before.

But, goddamn, Harry would be lying if he said he didn't love it.

sorry for short chap.

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