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Things had been going well. For everyone, in general, the transpiring events happened to prove to be only positive. The couple were getting to know each other in ways they never imagined and both of them felt a certain happiness that hadn't been there prior to their relationship-- and Niall wanted to view that as a sign that things were the way they were supposed to be. Constant thoughts of his father resurfaced, and daily he found himself missing the older man, but the other part knew exactly which form, alive or deceased, was happiest. So, in constant reminiscence, he followed along with his days. He didn't mention his distress to anyone, not Liam or Harry, be cause at the end of the day the dismay was gone once he was with the others.. so did it really matter all that much?

"What's got you all up in your head?" His dad asked softly as he rearranged some of the tools misplaced, hands were calloused and beaten down as the car before them continued to give them hard time.  Niall just waved it off, dismissing it with a mere shake of his head as he mumbled a soft: "Nothing." before he began to replace one of the tires. The duo worked in silence after that, the sun's relentless rays speeding up their approach towards exhaustion. It had been a long week, was all, and usually long weeks got Niall in a certain mood. The fact that their free time was just settled silence also seemed to bother him, because yes, they had gone through the loss together as a family, but the aftermath was giving Niall a feeling of isolation; they didn't really talk, is the main point. If Harry wasn't there, wasn't telling one of his stupid jokes or stories to lighten the mood, he found himself in a heavy silence with someone who conversation should come easy with.

He understood though, as he began to pull the flat tire from it's place, and he didn't want to start anything, so he grew accustomed to the silence and attempted to distract his mind. It was just a long week, that's why, and the boy was sure the next would be better.

At least that what he keeps telling himself.

The day continued regularly. There was no surprise visit from Harry as there usually was, and his dad and him hadn't spoken since the beginning of the morning. It just caused the already brewing conflict to stir in his gut, but the boy decided against any comment. It was around six o'clock when he closed the back of the shop and began to walk home.

His house wasn't nice, far from it. It was small, surrounded by a wired fence and covered with a peeling paint job that hadn't been renewed since the eighties or nineties. He grew to love it, hadn't necessarily felt like that his entire life as, when he was a child, he despised it with great distaste. He used to be embarrassed, nobody else lived in the conditions he did and he resented his parents for a certain period of time. But, kids are kind of stupid that way; always go through a phase where they want to be like everyone else, and yeah, Niall wasn't the most secure person in the world, but now he knows the difference between insecurities and ungratefulness. He'd rather be insecure.

Walking in, he placed his keys on the bowl besides the door. There was little-to-no furniture but somehow it never proved to be a problem. The teenager walked towards the kitchen, opened the fridge with a sense of eagerness as he hadn't eaten since the previous afternoon, only to be met with nothing. They didn't have any food, he realized, but he also knew that they didn't have any extra cash to buy a whole grocery list. He sighed, closed the appliance and proceeded to his room with no regards to his angered stomach. Looking in one of his drawers where he kept spare cash for situations like this, he only spotted ten dollars.

There was no way he could purchase two meals with the measly bill crumpled in his hand. "Damn," he cursed under his breath, because although he was starving, his father did way more work than he did. Niall decided not dwell too much, he'd just have to wait for tomorrow at noon when he and Harry were planned for their lunch. Placing the money in his pocket, he stood from his crouched position and made his way to the nearby market in search for something to give to his father, stomach loud and vision blurring but mind in place.

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