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The teen tried not to be effected as he watch the other's appearance crumble, the then accepting eyes looked now as though they were suffocating in whatever emotion was swirling through them. Bright green numbed down,  a dull comparison to what they were only moments prior. "I don't want to get in the way of anything in regards to your family," he was already defeated, Harry already knowing there was no use in trying to cross that boundary-- no use in making a scene and giving Niall an even harder time. "I just-- What'd I do?" The question laced with such desperation and fear, as if he were scared to even know the answer but couldn't stop himself from asking.

"He doesn't trust you, I guess. He was the first person I went to after you were gone and I guess seeing me cry just kind of made him block off ever associating himself with you." he confessed with a light shrug of his shoulders, eyes then moving from the other's face to the cracked concrete beneath them and he heard Harry drop whatever tool was in his hand, the exposure of the one detail shocking him to the core.

"I made you cry?"

"On the message I sent you I was bawling." Niall felt himself crumple, giving himself a self-deprecating laugh as he continued. "I'm still trying to get over it. I know it sounds dramatic but at the same time it was a dramatic time in my life that now seems so distant. I go home and the burn in my chest doesn't feel as prominent but that doesn't mean that the wound is just healed. And the timing was terrible too, with my father and all everything just seemed to be crashing down." He fiddled with his thumbs, calloused fingers tracing over the protruding tendons risen. The tension settled unbalanced upon his gut, and something was telling him that, this too, would be a dramatic moment in his life.

"I made you cry." The billionaire mumbled underneath his breath, soft enough where Niall missed it. The feeling his mind was delved into felt unreal, a dangerous and unsettling type of unreal that made him want to rewind to just minutes prior-- where they were just casually jabbing at one another, no major issue barricading them from one another. "Your  dad is right, Ni. I can barely breathe right now with the revelation-- I know if I actually saw you cry over me I'd fucking throw myself off a bridge." His chest was heaving slightly, and he had to place a hand there as though he were having a heart attack-- with the way it was furiously pumping as it stuttered along the beat made him believe he was.

"No, Harry, Liam's just being a tad bit dramatic--"

"No he's not--"

"I'm sure," Niall appeared calm, finally looking at him in the eye as he smiled soft and delicate, as though he knew how fragile the curly haired man was in this state. "If you talked to my dad and cleared the air things can remain stagnant, but if you really side with him fully then we stop whatever we have now." His gut was sinking, heart racing as fear dosed his body. He tried to remain as sane as he could but he was so nervous that Harry would chose the latter and he'd find himself back at square one.

Harry didn't have to think about it, no contemplation whatsoever as the options were given to him to choose. "I'm not leaving you," the other's shoulders slouched in relief and walking up to him, placing a hand on the small waist as the other ran through the curly locks, Harry reassured him softly. "No way in hell will I let you go. But I'm just scared of the validity of your dad's point. He could easily refuse us and I have no way to oppose him." His voice was a whisper, fanning over the other's face as they stayed near one another, hips touching and they both just relaxed at the physical contact.

"Just talk to him," Niall's hands up to his shoulders as he ran his hands up and own the fabric, feeling the expensive thread against his palm as he comforted the other. "I'm sure he'll understand if you made an effort."


Walking into the shop's shelter was more intimidating than expected, Niall having offered is assistance with the discussion but Harry wanted it to be one on one because perhaps they'll feel more personal if so. Liam was intimidating, and the other had made an effort to avoid him because of the fact. He had made it clear that his presence was not wanted, since the encounter after he first met Niall all Harry could remember was the large man contacting him through research and attempting to scare him off. An attempt, as Harry always viewed himself as determined and stubborn-- two factors that proved to be a blessing in many occasions.

The shop was clean, smelling of vanilla as the incense burned allowing the scent to travel through the small space. He took a deep breath, internally imagining that it was his last.

You dramatic shit.

It was as though Niall was in his head. He smiled.

"Mr. Payne?" He called out, breathing deeply as he attempted to calm whatever nerves were racing down his spine. This was bound to be messy, if Liam was as against him as he anticipated him to be.

"Ah," he heard the man sigh out, emerging from a door that led to the back of the shop. From a far, you could see all the tools and supplies for the shop and Harry wondered just what he was doing back there. "So now you come to greet me? After I tell you that my son and you aren't allowed to be together? Seems a little suspicious— your intentions, Harry Styles." It was intimidating.

That was the only word he could use to describe how he was currently feeling.

"I apologize, sir, for the seemingly wrong depiction of my character as my intentions have proven to be nothing but pure towards your son." The defensive undertone caused the older man to raise his eyebrow, challenging him to speak more. "But, as I mentioned to your son, I am not merely here to grant your permission. I've realized that it's past due, my interaction with you should've occurred properly once I asked Niall to be with me. I'm Harry Styles, brother of Gemma Styles and son of Anne Twist. Owner and CEO of Styles industries."

The two stood in silence for a moment or two, Liam's expression softening as he wordlessly observed the other man, calmly standing three feet from him, hands in his pockets, and hair tousled due to frustration. There was no need for him to appear so nervous, nor should he be so worked up, Harry wasn't wrong for Niall but rather there seemed to be someone more fitting— at least in his own opinion. And shall this discussion go well, that specific detail could change.

"My only question in regards to you, as you seem to be a gentleman with nice manners, is: why should I give you my blessing if Mendes hasn't ever given me a reason to do otherwise?On the contrary, you've given me multiple, haven't you?" The father must've said something improper as the other's posture evidently stiffened, spine completely straight and expression demonstrating a sudden reaction— as though he had been physically struck. Liam didn't know if it was due to any misunderstandings, so he proceeded in his lecture as a way to allow the other to comprehend fully what he was referring to. "I'm asking you because apparently my boy has attracted two men— two people who seem very nice and interesting yet one of them has managed to fuck up badly in the little time given. Just the other day, Shawn went up to me, introduced himself, and made it clear he was trying to court Niall."

"What?" Harry mumbled out, throat dry and lip twitching slightly as he felt anger resonate through his bones, entire demeanor shifting. The more information exposed the more he began to fidget, eager to run outside and teach Shawn a lesson. He could have him fired. He was petty, and he knew Niall would never be appreciative towards that.

"I mean, I know ultimately it's up to Niall. I'm just trying to put my best input as a father." Liam reassured, smiling gently because Harry seemed disgruntled with the revelation and perhaps he should've kept it to himself. "I needed to properly introduce myself to you as well. I'm Liam Payne, Niall's father."

"It's very kind to meet you, sir. I apologize once more for the ruckus I've caused. I know that I've made my mistakes. If I'm quite honest, I've never encountered someone like Niall and it spooked me into a short burst of denial before I could fully accept my feelings towards him. I'm constantly surrounded by the media and going with Kendall was just an excuse as to make up for my absence in the public light. It won't happen again, I promise you that much."

"Good." He liked the answer. "The whole Shawn thing was a lie, mere bluff so don't go over your head when you see him again. I just wanted to mess with you a bit. You and Niall seem fine together but if you hurt him again, stay as far away from here as you can— or you'll be asking for the beating you'll get."

"Of course, sir."

"Call me Liam, and tell me more about this 'Styles Industries' situation."

Harry chuckled, deciding to stay in for a few moments as to really get to know the father of his soulmate.

fast update!

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