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hey everyone :) hope you're doing well in these times. stay healthy! xx

The end of the week came sooner than expected, and Niall was sitting in the same restaurant he found himself in lately. The idea that they'd gone so far, to the point where they've become an official couple....well, it still blows his mind. What did he ever do to deserve this? What could he ever do to show Harry just how grateful he is for everything the man's done for him?

"What's going on in your head, babe?" 

The nickname gave a flush to Niall's cheeks, and he couldn't even try to hide it if he wanted to. He looked up from where he was staring at his hands under the table and met the other's beautifully green eyes. Harry was just grinning his shit eating grinning, the one that made Niall want to slap him and kiss him at the same time. "Aw, my little angel is flustered."

"Harry, I will murder you."

"Is my little angel mad?"

Whether it was the baby voice, or how he was batting his eyelashes, the Irish boy couldn't resist as he leaned forward, with Harry eagerly matching the movement. Blue eyes searched green, and somehow the younger boy couldn't possibly fathom how he got in this beautiful restaurant, with a beautiful man to call his partner. God, was he stunning. His curly hair falling gracefully down to above his shoulders, framing his perfectly sculpted face. Godly.

The thought almost caused him to giggle, especially when he realized how Harry's eyes would flash from meeting his own to staring at his lips in a split second.  But, he didn't allow the man's thoughts to deter his motive, and quickly he moved his foot from under the table and kicked Harry's shin with a considerable amount of force. "Fuck!" the man cursed, and it broke Niall immediately as he throw his head back to cackle.

Even in pain, all Harry could focus on was the movement of his boyfriend's Adam's apple. He's whipped, isn't he?

"Have I mentioned that I despise you?"

"If you did I wouldn't care." And mocking a hair flip, the brunette teen snapped his fingers while pursing his lips. 

"The attitude you've had lately..." Harry tutted softly, staring at him intensely while he slowly started to smirk. "I guess we'll have to punish you for that later, huh?"

"Excuse me, ma'am!" Niall scoffed, "How dare you objectify me, I am more than my body."

In utter shock, the business man's jaw remained slacked and eyes wide. "Niall, I need these sassy levels to go down a notch. Maybe even a hundred, I can barely hold a conversation here."

"Oh yeah, like 'talking' is what you explicitly want to do."

"Niall!" Harry yelled, and it was the best thing to hear him angry as his voice lowered octaves. The brunette would never try to deny just how attractive he found the other to be. Biting his lip, the Irish teen attempted to keep calm, and with the exhausted sigh Harry let out the other knew exactly what he wanted to say. "One more time, anymore and I walk out."

"That's my name don't wear it out."

The curly haired man let out a chuckle at the final line before repeating his question, "But, really, what were you thinking of?" He extended his hand out and reached to grab Niall's, to which the other easily complied.

"Just that I'm really happy to be here with you right now." It wasn't a lie at all, and he watched as the usually composed man slowly became flustered, his confident aura crumbling as the wash of color raised on his cheeks. It's moments like these that give Niall hope; they give him the facade that maybe he did have the chance to be happy. "Wait, this place is really expensive right?"

Harry nodded.

"Then have the bills added up yet to the five grand?"

The older man's eyes visibly widened as he gulped, and letting out a nervous laugh he said: "Niall, they don't charge me here. Why do you think I chose this place?"


They were walking in the street hand in hand. After the confession, perhaps it was confirmation that Harry really wanted to spend time with him; this wasn't some management influenced charity case, Niall felt exceptionally better. 

"Are you ready, baby?" the taller man questioned, and he looked down at the brunette boy beside him; eyes glazed with an emotion neither of them could decipher. "I heard the carnival's gonna have all sorts of rides and shit. They added a bunch of stuff this year."

"I don't think I've been more excited for anything else."

"Not even what happens after our tenth date?"

"Mister, you're crossing a fine line,"  the wording caused Harry to laugh loudly, and as if to add emphasis he moved his hand to Niall's lower back.

"I'm kidding, you know I'm better than that." And with a raise of an eyebrow Niall gave Harry a reprimanding look, and quickly slapped the curly haired man's ass before running away.

"Catch me if you can!"


When the teen turned his head back and looked over his shoulder, Harry could've sworn it was a scene from a movie. His blue eyes, brown hair, gorgeous smile all lit by the setting sun.

Fuck, he was falling hard and fast.



tell me everything! about you, feedback on the chapter, opinions on what's happening rn??

tbh, i think the things that are happening with the police brutality is just so...awakening. all i could think of was how much more progress we had to make as a society, as a race. it's incredulous, but the fact that change is happening and we're being taught how to speak up and to never crumble in face of oppression..all i can say is thank you to those strong black communities, and to the black lives matter movement in general.

expect another update soon! next one...well maybe something big will happen...maybe not....wanna guess?

also, heavily UNEDITED

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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