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i softened it a bit so love me

It only took three weeks. Three weeks of him and Harry meeting up daily, three weeks of him accidentally missing his father's doctor's appointments, three weeks of him having his head completely up his ass for him to realize that something was wrong. Something was incredibly wrong and he was so distracted by outside sources that he barely knew what was going on in his own household. But, by the time he noticed, he guessed it was too late. Too late for comfort to be given, too late for change to be made, and a part of him resented his entire being.

That part being his entire mind as a whole. Because here he found himself, on a pouring day, sitting by the railroads on the edge of the subway, unable to look anywhere but down.

It had been a nice three weeks, at least while he was still oblivious towards his surroundings. Where his priorities shifted from his family to his Harry, which was dumb. Because Niall knew that if he jumped off the ledge expecting Harry to be at the bottom, arms open and ready to catch him, he'd be in for a rude awakening when he breaks his back on the concrete floor. It wasn't worth falling for, but he could feel himself doing so anyway.

And maybe that was his first mistake, because he had heard by so many people that Love can make you lose sight of things that were important; important things begin to lose their value, and all of a sudden they weren't such a priority anymore because your heart was controlling your actions now and all your heart wanted was to be with the person it yearned for.

Once again, finding himself alone in the subway at midnight with no one to lean on, falling just wasn't worth it.

He didn't even know why it was an option in his irrational mind, didn't know why he dared to consider it because now, now he actually lost sight of what was important and now he lost the only thing that would ever be important.

His father was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it. Not anymore at least, maybe he could've of done it two weeks ago or a week ago but his eyes opened a bit too late and reality came crashing down on him too quick, not giving him enough time to even raise his hands as a feeble attempt to shield himself from the pain.

The news was abrupt, at least to him, because Liam was just gazing at his thumbs expectantly— as if this was all planned and Niall was sure it was. Was sure that both his father's realized the endless struggle they would have to face and realized how living didn't seem like a prize anymore; Louis didn't want to fight anymore, he was tired and lonely and it was hopeless. They were stuck in this endless rut that was like quicksand, the more and more they tried to climb out of it, the deeper it pulled them in.

Fiddling with his phone, he waited. It was pointless in waiting, he knew the so-called 'caring' man wasn't going to respond. Hadn't been for the past few days, and Niall wondered if he had done something wrong. If by some non-surprising chance he could've said or done something that drove the other man away. Most likely, because the reports of him with this famous supermodel made Niall realize that he was a fucking tool.

"Hey, harry, it's niall here and— uhm— we haven't spoken in a little while and I was just wondering how things are going? It's been really hard here back at the shop and I know you're on some yacht so you probably won't get this but it's really—" he wished the choked sob didn't sound so pitiful on the microphone, "really difficult handling all of this alone and I'm sorry for whatever I've done but I just need you here right now—"

The message was dead after that, the machine having cut it with a couple of beeps before the signal was finished, and the boy was surrounded in silence once more. Hearing his own message from five days ago was rough, but knowing the man had heard it and did nothing to contact him felt a little worse.

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