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my fav photo of ni. (sad has been postponed. enjoy happy)

Gently, his hand was laid on top of the device. Eyes were shut tight, mind was running a million miles a second, but his composure remained strong within his hold. There was no need to explode, no need to counter attack, no need for any superfluous emotions that he felt the urge to release. The brunette just laid his other palm, though clammy, on top of his forehead and awaited for any person to walk in as business hours hadn't ceased just yet.

He just sat in silence, soul settling in the concentrated anxiety that managed to fill the room, unable to even shift his body in search for comfort as he felt his legs and arms begin to cramp at the weird position they were at; all energy just dissipating from within. The Irish man just hadn't any clue what his next decision should be, next week would Harry still be on his mind? Would it be allowed if he was?

At the end of the day, he just didn't know what to do as the situation was already so bizarre in the first place. The relationship derived from a complete stranger giving him a five thousand dollar check, how is it that they managed to make things so cliche now? So he just sat, deep in thought and he began to just over think whatever entered his mind; whether regarding Harry or not.

"I can't text and drive so I didn't think picking up would be a wise decision." A strong voice almost bellowed, entrance was loud and dominant as the door swung open in a fury. "But, I feel you and I have some business to discuss."


"I was interrupted last time," Harry spoke harshly before the man as he took long strides towards the boy seated clueless by his desk. "And this time I expect a platform for me to speak."

And the silence he was given from the other, meaning that the brunette was willing to listen fully, was enough to have him continue. "When I said last time that we needed to talk, it was due to the fact that a new position opened in my offices— and I'm in need of an intern." He summed up briefly, hands placed on the slightly untrustworthy desk as his own green eyes met with blue. "I misspoke to anger your friend as his company and I have had previous relations before that were work related. I didn't want him previewing any information regarding me or what I do in my time."

He was lying, and the fact was reverberating through his own ears as he listened to the utter malarkey he was spewing out. His suit was clinging into him, sweat and anxiousness running down his back as he internally wondered if the boy was suspecting anything from his behavior.

"And what you said before," the teen spoke cautiously, "You have no professional excuse to address that?"

Fuck. The curly haired man cursed himself for whatever was sloppily places together in his demeanor, because it left a crack that the boy could see right through. Niall wasn't buying it, and he wasn't so offended by the words but rather by the idea that this man felt as though he couldn't trust him enough for the real reason to be told openly. Rather he'd scramble with an excuse that could throw a newly made friend under the bus and leave his name in the dirt.

"Niall," The said boy didn't want to shiver at the slow pronunciation of his name. As Harry realized that the boy knew what was going on, his words were delivered carefully; as though Niall wouldn't understand. "I'm sorry for those vile things spoken—"

"I don't care about that. Worst has been said to me by your own employees, Harold. What I do care about is the fact that you, just now, tried to foolishly make me believe something about my friend that was incredibly incorrect. Shawn has made it clear to me that there has never been any relation with you two in particular. Haven't you gathered that from his ignorant references to the tabloids when dissing you?" He was out of breath by the time he finished, body lurching over the desk as though he was a boss scolding an employee. It felt good to stand up to such an important man, the feeling of Harry being above him vanished after his words. Now, the curly haired man looked adorably sheepish and the brunette would crack a smile if he wasn't so utterly confused.

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