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"Please," He whined, unable to control his giggles as the other practically laid limp on top of him. The only movement were his manicured hands caressing the smaller's soft skin. "Get off of me, you hippo!" The cute teen was unable to mutter anything else, Harry having pinched the thin layer of skin covering his hip bones, causing him to squeak in surprise.

"Be quiet, I'm trying to sleep." The man snored comically loud, the noise both amusing and ludicrous. They both were laying comfortably on the love seat placed in the far corner of Harry's office, the work on his laptop completely abandoned as he focused all his attention on the angelic young adult beneath him. He smiled fondly, face nuzzled in the other's neck, as he heard him let out another wave of giggles. Lifting just a bit, he caught a glimpse of the Irish man's appearance, and could merely watch in awe at the precious sight.

His hair was ruffled, cheeks bright red, and smile as luminous as the sun as giggles erupted from deep within his chest. It was a radiant sight, one the caused the man to feel an overwhelming sense of pride and almost..possession, knowing that this remarkable person belonged to him and him only. Reaching down, his hands caressing the youthful face, Harry couldn't resist as he pecked the pretty, thin pink lips basically begging for it. Closing his eyes, he melted in the kiss as he felt the other do the same, Niall's hands gently stroking his broad shoulders. The curly haired man hadn't any clue what to do when attempting to decide between relishing in the touch or deepening the kiss. All he knew was that the breathtaking teen tasted of coffee and mint, two of his favorite things.

It was as he was caught up in the entirety of the intimate action where Niall had caught him off guard, hands seeming to trail down, which had initially gotten Harry almost too excited, before stopping at his hips and pushing him off. The force was strong enough to take the lanky man off the couch completely, landing with his back against the carpet. Thank god, by the grace of God he had fallen onto the carpet rather than the harsh, bitter marble floors. Groaning, more so for the sake of theater than out of pain, the tall man let out a howl: "My love, my one and only, threw me off a cliff! What am I to do?"

Fighting off his bursts of laughter, Niall bit his lip and continued watching. "Oh my dear Lord, someone save me!" He put his hand out, as if asking for the boy to lift him back on the couch, but the teen simply shook his head, denying the request.

"Save me!" Another shake of the head, Harry was faced with a second rejection in a row, and it caused him to squint before smirking. "Save me!" It was a loud yell, the hand that had laid without motion in the air then grasped onto the skinny calve laying there, ready for the taking. He laughed as the other jumped, looking like frightened puppy with eyes wide and eyebrows raised.

"Are you insane?!"

"No, I'm Harry."

The statement settled into an uneasy silence as the other barely even blinked before kicking off Harry's tattooed hand and standing from the couch, making his way towards the exit. " 'm leaving you." The words sounded utterly exhausted, and Harry peeked his head over the coffee table as he watched the slim boy walk to the large, intimidating doors.

"You know what? Fine, leave. Just because I'm a damsel in distress doesn't mean I need a man to save me."

"You are not a woman, Harry."


"Okay, I'll hang out with Zayn while you're here by yourself, or maybe I'll leave and call Shawn to hang out with me."

"Oh, that was a low blow."

But, it worked either way because Harry jolted up, chin held high as he walked before standing beside Niall, completely disregarding the smug look on his face. "I'm only doing this because you deserve a tour of the building, not because of your threat."

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