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He hadn't ever had such a time like this, something that felt so carefree yet calculated. Something that made him both nervous and excited, two emotions he felt all too familiar with yet had never felt at the same time. It was a different scenery, back at Harry's office. Rather than being judged by wealthy eyes he was being observed, cautiously and passionately, by a singular pair. Though it did make him feel self-conscious, the giddiness of his attitude overlapped anything he would normally succumb to.

"So," the brunette questioned curiously, gaze on his fiddling finger because a light blush on his cheeks was still prominent due to the lingering gaze the CEO seemed to always obtain. "How's the company doing? And is it all yours?" He winced immediately after, noticing that the words sounded sour; as if he were some jealous prick who wanted what Harry was granted with, what Harry worked so hard for.

"Don't worry about asking, Ni," and it was as if the man read his mind, "I bet you're only asking because you want to know more? To fill the tiny gaps of unknown territory in that pretty head of yours? I bet you wished you could go to college?"

"I— How did you know?"

I hacked into your computer and stalked your search history only to find lessons on trigonometry and entrepreneurship in emerging economies.

"You're only nineteen, from my understanding, and I know at that age I wasn't nearly as knowledgeable as I was after school ended for me." Harry responded coolly, trying to hide the fact that he had gone behind the boy's back, basically taken advantage of his unwavering kindness.

"I mean," Niall sighed, debating whether or not he should admit his true feelings aloud seeing as he barely knew the man. But that was the thing, it didn't feel like that. It felt like him and Harry were just causal friends hanging out, not two different people from polar opposites of society. He decided to just do so, he hated the idea of thinking the worst of someone.

The Irish man just hoped he wasn't some publicity stunt for the popular man; wasn't just some lame ass charity case used for PR.

"In a perfect world, my fathers would be stable and our shop would be supplying us properly. I would be at college and they would just support me and each other."

"So, you all don't support each other now?"

"Uh— Not like an absent family, more so we're so focused on just keeping Lou stable and it's difficult, seeing him wake up in the middle of the night to yell in agony and slowly just degrade into a hollow shell of what he used to be." And he shut his eyes for a second, realizing he had said to much, before swirling his tongue on the front of his teeth and biting his inner cheek. "I think it's time for me to go—"

"Why do you do that?" Harry asked softly, signs of pure sympathy reflecting in his green hues, "Always run when I'm finally getting to know you?"

"Because none of this makes any sense." The boy exhaled, exasperated because it truly didn't. This was some imaginary scenario and only in fairy tales would it end happily. "You and I aren't supposed to fucking associate ourselves with one another. I just fix your million dollar cars and you pay me for the service."

It doesn't matter anyway, I've outta check on my dad's." And Niall didn't care to look Harry in the eye before he left, to embarrassed to do so.


It was Tuesday of the next week, Niall and his family at their doctor's appointment for Lou as usual. They were all seated at the waiting room, patiently anticipating the news towards their loved one.

"Uh, Payne?" The nurse called out from the corner of the beaten down hospital, the usual one you'd see loonies enter; but it was the only thing they could afford and even then they were late on payments, and barely making ends meet.

"That's us." Liam spoke quickly, nervous and tired as Hell form the long day but he knew seeing his husband properly medicated would be worth it.

"Follow me, we, uh, have news for you."


"What are you telling me doctor?"

"That you have been rewarded with a new medical plan, you're able to make appointments at Baptist now."

"Baptist?! That's way too expensive! The medical plan probably costs all these appointments combined—"

"Sir, those payments have been handled."


Liam instinctively looked at Niall who had his head cradled in his palms, a knowing feeling sprawling out in his gut. The father just sighed incredulously, still attempting to wrap his head around the situation before the doctor dismissed himself quietly.

"Do you have anything to do with this? Please, Ni, tell me because this is the only thing we've ever wanted— your father has prayed for a miracle like this."

"I-I don't know, Pa'. Honestly," he was lying, "I have no idea how this could happen."

"Well, whoever decided to do this, I hope they know how much this means to us."

"Me too, Pa'."

"Forever bless them."


And when Niall went back to the shop later that day, eyes focused on the ground and heart swelled with a sense of hope he hadn't ever felt before— he finally knew exactly who did it.

It wasn't too hard to figure out, the note laying neatly on his desk explained it all:

It's funny that you say we're two polar opposites. Maybe we're more similar than you think? I lost my father when I was twenty, my step father only passed recently, and my internal struggles are eating me alive too. Probably shouldn't admit this over note, anyone could find it, but somehow I know you'll be the first, Niall. It's close minded and almost ignorant of you to think that just because of our social classes we aren't allowed to communicate, last time I check weren't you the one trying to persuade me to treat you properly and normally? You're a mystery, Horan, and I'm willing to take my time to find out.

Maybe tomorrow for our daily lunches?

Here's my number, text me when you make up your mind.

And yeah, with the race of his heart and flush of his cheeks, Niall felt that he would.

mine • narry (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now