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I hate how frustrated Niall's perfection makes me.

Hi, it's Niall.

He quickly backspaced, hands fumbling with the buttons because this was important to him and he wanted everything to go smoothly. Having a flip phone doesn't really help with that, he thought bitterly as he tried to press the correct letters once more.

Hey homie, it's me: the Niallator.

Snorting he deleted that one quicker than before, just typing it for shits and giggles. He closed his eyes softly as a he took a deep breath, willing his twisting gut to calm itself before he vomits all over his bedroom.

Lunch would be great. xx

And he looked away from the phone before quickly slamming send. It took him a moment before he realized the x's at the end, and the fact that he hadn't even clarified that it was actually him, how was Harry supposed to know?

He was a huge dumbass, he internally facepalmed, and if his insecurities didn't drive Mr. Styles away then Niall was sure that would.


"Niall, you sent that at five thirty in the morning of course he's not going to reply on time." Louis chuckled absentmindedly, his body feeling stable as the newly prescribed med's began to numb the pain. "You're so cute, little boy."

"Should I be jealous?" Liam snuck up from behind, grabbing his husband's waist as he buried his head in the other man's neck. He hadn't felt this happy in forever, and wow he didn't know he missed it until now. Because now he finally had something to look forward to, and that was his husband getting stable enough where they could live a normal life.

Niall watched his father's giggle and google affectionately at one another and he realized how big of a difference this whole insurance thing did, how much weight was lifted off their shoulders. It was enough where they could actually enjoy one another presence instead of Liam working until midnight only to get up at five and send Louis to the hospital.

So, he moved the fingering hovering over the block button— don't ask why he was debating it he was nervous and was scared Harry would laugh at him— and just sent another text.

I'm forever grateful for what you've done for my family.

No kisses this time? :( I'm sad. xxxxx

"He texted back!"

"That's my boy!" Liam chuckled, patting his son on the back whilst the other still held his husband tightly against his chest.


The day was slow, unfortunately for him, and it stressed him out to no end as he waited around aimlessly for something or someone to show up and allow him to work.

At first, he thought about texting Harry seeing as he was still giddy about the whole situation, but then he realized that that wouldn't be smart; he only worked at a mechanic shop, and if things could get difficult for him imagine how Harry's days went. So, avoiding that option, the boy quietly counted Mr. Styles as a 'too busy man to be texting mid-day'.

Patiently he sat on a cheap, plastic chair seated outside the small building of their offices. Liam had wanted to take the day off today, said he just wanted to take advantage of the time he had with husband. Niall understood completely and though he wanted to spend time with his family, priorities needed to be set and essentials were necessary.

The sun was blaring, the brunette boy just tapping on his thigh as he hummed along to a random beat, not fully sure what song the beat identified with. He had spent most of the day inside the small office, organizing files and cleaning up the place seeing as only a few customers had came by; meaning he had too much time on his hands, at the moment.

Sighing he straightened his posture, ready to just close up and end the day. That was thing, he thought disappointedly, when the shop had bad days they were bad, and when it had good days it could only be counted as mediocre. He understood why it could be so hard depending on such an unstable amount of income, some weeks they made ten grand whilst the others they made four. Though the numbers seemed high, that was what they earned before buying equipment, paying employees, paying rent.

Then, Niall's dad got his bit which was about four grand every month, and had to find a way to pay everything off reasonably. Louis' medicine was expensive in itself and living in New York City didn't make anything any easier.

"Niall?" A familiar voice shouted, the sound of a door being slammed shut had caught the blue eyed boy's attention.

"Shawn?" The boy shouted incredulously, having a hard time believing such high class people would even associate themselves near an area like this. "What are you doing here?"

"I told you, my car got towed!"

And wow, Shawn was the owner of the black Porsche sitting out front? Niall was honestly wondering what the fuck he was doing to attract such wealth. "What are you thinking parking a car that way?! You know the shit excuse I had to make up for that tow driver to be at peace?"

"Leave me alone, I drive fine."

"Horrendous," The boy laughed, "Your driving skills are horrendous."

"Well— well you're horrendous!—I don't mean that, you are a treasure," he rambled slightly, attempting to save himself as he observed the brunette's seemingly offended expression.

"You do realize," Niall cut the silence, beginning to get into business mode as he addressed the man properly, "That there will be an overnight fee due to the late pick-up?"

"Obviously," the Canadian rolled his eyes, "No need to boss me around, young man."

"I'm just sayin'," he clarified before flashing a bright smile, one so bright that Shawn blushed at the sight.

Why was a boy this beautiful working around an area like this?

If anything, the man wondered internally to himself as he followed the boy's lead into the shop, he could model for the company.

And almost as though a light bulb flashed through his brain, Shawn had an idea.

"Niall," he sang out, practically skipping around the small office, just wanting the boy's attention.

The man hadn't left the shop since he arrived for his car and it had been hours since their first encounter.

"Yes?" The boy responded, he had been patient and cheerful the entire time, no matter how annoying Shawn wanted to be, he was just glad that he finally had company around. It was so lonely, almost depressing, just hustling all day without any interaction. Almost every customer was rude and in a rush so the brunette never liked to associate himself with them for too long.

It was almost lunch time, and a part of the Irish lad was giddy with excitement because of a certain event having been planned. But, that little speck of him was so entirely small, due to the rest being distracted by a certain Canadian, that it went over looked.

"I'm bored and hungry!" Shawn whined, laughing as the boy seemed unaffected by everything. Every little interaction with him seemed to only prove Shawn's theory that he was in fact an angel.

"Well, I don't want to hold you back, you can leave at any moment. I'm sorry for wasting your time! I apologize as well for causing your boredom, I can't really offer much—"

The Canadian just cut the boy off, not wanting to hear the rest because it was obvious the blue eyed teen was feeling insecure, the tone of his statement revealing it. "Don't ever be sorry, Ni. You offer so much, it's almost intimidating. Now, how about we go outside and get something to eat?"

"Uh," the teen considered, "I don't think so, I still have some files to put into place and I have to do this months calculations—"

"Bleh, lets just go eat and we can think about all that boring stuff later."

"Don't you do this for a living?" Niall wondered aloud, smiling as the other man confused to amuse him with his childish behavior.

"Oh my god," Shawn cackled, throwing his head back, "I completely forgot about work."


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