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ayy last chap has 69 reads

"How are you doing, baby?" And Harry felt his eyes widened, jaw clenched and body stiffening because had that actually slipped out of his mouth? If this didn't go well, he was going to be in such big—

"It's been an alright day. Sorry, again, Harry, for making you wait like that. I'm sure it wasn't fun." And he didn't even seem to notice how the other's composure was, didn't look up from the menu as he childishly traced the pictures with his forefinger, having never seen meals like this. The slip up was safely tucked away, Harry nervously changing the subject so he couldn't leave it lingering in the air for any longer, fearing Niall might not react positively.

It was weird. Harry felt, at least, that it was a good weird. The kind that made you know everything was fine but you were just outside of your comfort zone. For example, throughout the entire meal he could actually hear his heartbeat in his ear, the harsh and rapid thump almost alarming him in a way if he hadn't known who it was beating like that for. He was always one to be confident, had to be in order to do what he did, but the shyness that Niall radiated; the pure innocence that had him drooling with one smile, it almost latched onto himself. And Harry could feel it— the morphing of his character, how he all of a sudden felt way more vulnerable than he would've in any other situation.

Perhaps it was due tot he fact that he was with a stranger at his restaurant. If the food turned out to be shit it would be him to blame. And, as one of those anxious business men who are only confident on scene, he wouldn't be surprised if that's where his nerves derived from. But, again, it didn't seem to add up because he's taken countless of people there; whether strangers or not it's happened and never, ever had he found himself fighting the urge to blush at their giggle.

Neither had he ever felt a swell of pride in his chest for making the other do so in the first place.

It was almost mentally exhausting, having the storm of emotions taken a large toll on the man's mindset. Another thing that was unfamiliar, the fact that something could actually distract him for a change. Usually, he would only be half tuned in a conversation whilst the other part of his brain drifted to what the next big thing for his company could be. But with Niall, all he wanted to do was just sit and listen to the boy speak, because even though by technicality he was uneducated, he spoke otherwise. Spoke as though he had gone through a life's worth of heartbreak, something that school couldn't have taught him, and honestly Harry wouldn't be surprised if he really had. If he stayed up at night crying over something new.

He couldn't fight it, the curly haired man wondered as he continued to watch the other quietly, he couldn't fight the urge to just stop the possibility of that ever happening.

"Do you know what you want to order?"

"Harry, we already picked it out after five minutes of being here!" Niall smiled brightly, placing the menu down gently as he rested his chin between his two palms.

"Hey," the older man exclaimed, "You're the one still looking at that menu! Don't blame me for assuming."

"Well," The brunette droned out, shaking his head as he began to laugh before even saying another word, "If you must know, that's by far the most 'extra' font I've ever seen."

"What?!" Harry chuckled, shaking his head while burying his face in his palms. "That's embarrassing!"

"No, no!" The boy was laughing even harder as he reached across the table to peel the man's tattooed hands from off his face, not liking the fact that his eyes were covered from view. "I'm just saying, it's like cursive, italic, bold, underlined... you could've kept it print and I would've understood it much more easily."

"You're making me regret all my choices—"

"Stop! Now you're just being dramatic!"

"I'll show you dramatic!" Harry stood from his seat, the echo of the chair dragging across the marble floor ringing in everyone's ears as he did so. Yelling with a waving hand, his shout was loud, bouncing off the all the walls of the facility.

"Waiter!" He called out, failing slightly as his dress shoe got caught in the cloth of the table. He peered from the corner of his eyes, grinning when he saw Niall blushing brightly, hiding behind his napkin, too embarrassed to be looked in the eye.

Immediately, Alyssa took it to herself to answer the call, scrambling she made her way to the table with a smirk and notepad ready in her hand. "Yes, sir?" She questioned lightly, a raised eyebrow directed to her boss whilst a soft coo towards the blushing teenager beside him.

"Who is the owner of this facility?!" And he was looking foolish, making an ass of himself in front of a bunch of wealthy men and women who most likely didn't know that he was the said owner. Alyssa couldn't help the snort that fell past her lips, and she immediately brought a manicured hand to cover the noise but Harry decided to take it to an extra level.

"Ma'am!" He screamed, acting as though he was offended. He knew it was ridiculous to pull a scene as he was doing, but at the same time he wanted the teen to feel comfortable with him. Wanted him to see that even a man like him could embarrass the shit out of himself and not care— wanted the boy to know that there was no reason to be insecure or distant because Harry was a regular being— not some business obsessed, billionaire, robot.

"Am I amusing you with my complaints?!" And by now Harry had already attracted a few waiters to stand around in utter awe, wondering what in the world was happening whilst customers were actually getting up to leave— he laughed at that because he was sure they would be back the next day.

"No, sir, what is it that you're complaining about?" And he was slightly shocked with her professionalism, and decided to kick up the nonsense a notch.

"I could not read thy font printed on this page!"


They were seated in Harry's car, the man laughing at whatever the teen was remarking about. There was a young couple taking their sweet ass time crossing the street and Niall couldn't help but narrate their every move as they jay-walked across the road.

"You're a dumbass, y'know?"

"Trust me," the brunette sighed out in mock offense, "My fathers remind me every day."

And Harry snorted at that one.

It was only silent for a couple of moments before Niall spoke up, cautious and slightly incredulous.

"Wait, did you call me babe back at the restaurant?"

And the car was lurching to a stop, Harry and him both flying up a bit as they reached the front of the mechanic shop, the man turned slightly with a weirdly hilarious expression— one mixed with guilt and a slight smirk, which was something Niall had never witnessed before— and stating a bland:

"Well, that's a late reaction if I could ever think of one."


just playful narry banter cause things are about to get heavy.

heavy as in death. I know I know, spoiler alert, but I need you guys to know just in case you get triggered easily or not! I'll leave a warning before the chapter and one here just so everyone is on the same one. The net chapter will be a time skip, and will most likely be double the length of all the other ones

i want to make chaps longer but I'm scared I'll lose an audience cause I know, personally, I get intimidated by huge ass chapters.

leave a comment for some feedback so I know!

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