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Although the weight on his shoulders still felt present amongst his frame, the idea that Harry was here to help him soften the load already allowed his posture to straightened. Almost as though he were actually carrying something with great weight on his back, it had slouched and grown tired prior. His brain was whirring with his internal debate. Yes, they had kissed and they exchanged feelings, but it wasn't that simple at this point. No matter how badly Niall just wanted to pursue and strive forward, they needed to clear up certain subjects.

So, he decided to wait for the perfect moment; his cowardice controlling his actions as he shriveled underneath the idea that Harry would be upset or saddened with the revelation. He hadn't thought fully through, but he realized as he stepped into the car at around seven thirty, this would be the most ideal moment. They'll most likely finish up towards the end of the drive and Niall could run off after he said what he needed to say.

Not the most brave, he'll admit, but he's not avoiding the issue completely.

"Niall?" The man's voice was soft, echoing delicacy as he laid a large palm onto the said boy's thigh. One hand on the steering wheel and the other kneading the Jean clad flesh, and all though he should've been paying attention to the road his eyes continued to linger onto the boy next to him, fidgeting nervously. "Are you alright, angel?"

He watched the infamous coat of plush pink scatter amongst the soft, cherub cheeks of the Irish teen and waited for anything in response; eager to just hear the other reveal what was on his mind. If they were together then they had to learn to communicate properly, and a part of Harry knew that it was going to be a tough milestone to achieve as Niall wasn't used to doing so.

"Uhm," he watched the other scramble for words, and didn't fail to find the action rather endearing as his emerald orbs maintained a constant focus on the road. "We can't be officially together just yet. To the public, I mean.." he clarified, "I just feel as though we have a lot of business to discuss. And the fact that you have a law suit under your belt right now won't help your image if it's revealed that you're dating a teen—"

"Although you make a compelling argument," the older interrupted, raising a hand to signify the others silence, "I get the feeling that's not what's bothering you."

And there was a small, almost uncomfortable moment of silence as the other collected his thoughts, hands subconsciously lingering onto the expensive leather as he searched in desperation for something beside his own limbs to distract him. "And Kendall?" Was all he had to say before Harry frowned, not due to him being upset, but due to him feeling a sense of distress as an effect of the others insecure laced question. However brief, it proved to be a heavy topic for him.

"Not in the picture anymore."

He could practically hear the others anxiously pounding heart beat, but continued to keep his eyes on the road. "Niall, I need you to understand one thing: I work in regards to the media. My image is to please them. Don't you think it's a little suspicious that I just happened to 'hook-up' with one of the most famous models in the world?"

The question was proven to provide some comfort, but the other allowed his internal doubts to be exposed as he peeled off the opaque layer of false confidence and acceptance out, showing Harry the true emotional state of the man. "She's a model. I'm just a broke kid that needs more help than he'd like to admit."

"No." He countered, loafer slamming against the brakes as he pulled over and stared at his angel beside him. "You're way more than that. I don't even know you as well as I'd like to and you've proven to outshine anyone I've ever met before— including Beyoncè."

"Jay-Z is gonna fuck you up."

Harry just chuckled, cradling the others facial structure in his hand as he connects their lips for the third time that afternoon. "You mean a lot to me, Niall, and no plastic wannabe celebrity will strip that away."

The other just sighed, feeling content but not finished with his questioning. He waited for Harry to start the car again, but the man made no effort to do so. "I want to give all of my attention to whatever you have to say— you are important to me."

They gave on another tiny touches, Harry's own lingering through as if he wanted to go deeper and feel the soft, pale skin, whilst Niall's were innocent and subconscious— just needing to feel his anchor before he drifted into the abyss he had been finding himself in lately. "What about Shawn? He's a good friend and I don't want to let him go."

Harry stiffened. "He's obviously interested in you."

"Obviously," And Niall raised his eyebrow on suspicion as to why Harry was looking appalled by the response. "Why else would he want to befriend—"

"No, Niall." The other laughed, "Romantically, sexually, intimately. He wants you in the way only I can have you."

The Irish boy just smiled, didn't respond towards his boyfriend's (Were they even official?) jealousy. He found it quiet cute, almost endearing and couldn't help but gaze fondly at the man situated in the driver seat. "It doesn't matter who wants me. It matters who I want, and that's you. You're all that I'll ever want."

Ignoring his racing heart, attempting to push down the butterflies in his stomach because he refused to acknowledge his giddiness, Harry lurched forward and gave up the tiny little pecks they had shared before; instead went for a passionate kiss that lit his skin on fire. He moaned quietly, cheeks beating in fear Niall heard, as the other traces his bottom lip with his tongue. "Niall.." He panted through, pulling away as the other did the same. It was unfair how the boy didn't seem nearly as affected.

Maybe Harry was only flustered due to where his mind was wondering, how far they could go in the back seat— No!

"We haven't even been on a date and you're ready to eat me alive. To think I'm the one that's supposed to be a hormonal teenager." He tutted in mock disbelief, the glint in his almost perfect blue eyes signifying that he had felt the rush too, just wasn't as obvious about it. Harry wasn't surprised. He was new to this whole thing and he was sure Niall was confident about his sexuality since middle school. It, in the end, was quite unfair.

"Well, that was incredibly rude of you, Mr. Horan." He whined slightly, head bouncing against the head of the seat, unable to compress his frustration.

"Stop being a baby, Styles. Maybe after the tenth date."

Huh, Harry thought, he had never looked forward to something as much as he had for that very moment.

"Wait if you know Jay-Z then do you know Kanye too? 'Cause if you do I might just leave you for him..or maybe Zayn. I know you know Zayn—" Harry shut him up with a possessive growl, to which Niall just laughed in response. Gripping tightly onto the tattooed hand, he realized how positive his decision was proving to be.


1) i forgot the dedication. dedicated to: noone-inparticular

2) Kanye is low key hot

3) next chapter could surround Niall's internal battles or we could save the sad once more and have him meet Zayn. (taking the little requested idea from NESTYLES bc it was gonna happen a little later but it could fit properly if we do a time skip)

4) im secretly beyonce

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