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The diner's music was faint as the older man waited at the booth in the far corner, he had only been there for a minute or two and was currently handling a business call with the governor due to certain accusations trailing the company like gum stuck to a shoe. He'd love to believe that his company was perfectly clear of these specific assumptions but lately, his employees had been slipping and he honestly wouldn't be surprised if the complaints were to be proven true.

"What are you talking about— a sexual assault charge? I've never heard of anybody being assaulted inappropriately by one of my employees. And why sue my company as a whole? That's a personal issue." He practically gritted through his teeth, annoyed and just anxious to hang up the irritating call. Things like this, petty claims that only wasted his time, never failed to get under his skin. He was a corporation owner, he didn't have time to hear bluffs about a lawsuit based on an improper clause and directed towards the wrong opponent.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles, but apparently a certain female has actually reported you for sexual assault— not the company. Says she was being belittled constantly and that you actually laid a hand on her when she was trying to stand up for herself in front of a client." He seemed genuinely sympathetic, and that gave the man some type of closure but in actuality, he was fuming with rage because he's barely in the office to lay hands on anyone. The only time he managed to touch an employee was when—

"Fuck, sir, you have to believe me it's bullshit. She was going crazy telling slurs about a young man who had a personal appointment with me. The only hand I laid on her was to pull her away seeing as the boy was practically having a panic attack."

"I know," and Harry sighed out of relief. It didn't matter if he was denying the claims truthfully or not, business owners who suffer through lawsuits like that always get their reputation tainted. With the way business was booming, things couldn't fall down now. "But, Harry, you have to understand that it'll be difficult to keep this all on the down low. People with your status never recover form scandals like these."

The green eyed man wanted to slam his head on the table, regretting ever even associating himself with miss Taylor Swift. It should be illegal for her to even be three meters from him.

"Dammit, Nick, what am I going to do?"

"Don't stress it too much. I know the judge for your trial set for January and I can tell him what's happening."

They ended the call after that, Harry sighing heavily as he felt himself melt under the cushion of the leather booth. It was draining, every second of the day another issue popped up and he never got a break. All his heart was looking forward to was seeing his Niall and having a wonderful time talking about absolutely everything.

Speaking of which, he had a message of the said boy.

Hi, Harry!

And he immediately cooed, not even trying to refrain himself as he pressed the call button, immediately bringing the device to his own ear, anxious to hear the others voice— even over telephone.

" 'Ello?"

And that was most definitely not Niall.

"Who the fuck are you?" He pounced up, gathering his items before marching out the restaurant and towards his white BMW i8, it was a day full of meetings and events so he needed to impress with his vehicles and his money because that's the only thing people seem to listen to in corporate America.

His head was bouncing all these dangerous and worrisome assumptions of the the wall.

Niall's been kidnapped.

He got mugged.

"Woah, calm the hostility. I'm Shawn, Niall's 'friend' and he just let his phone here while he went to treat a customer."

"Listen to me, I don't give a fuck about your name all I want to know is why you thought it was a good idea to pick up my Niall's phone without his permission?" And it seemed like non-consensual scandals followed him around everywhere.

"Listen, Styles," And Harry couldn't help but roll his eyes at the patronizing tone. How mature, he thought bitterly, not even paying to attention to what the other had to say, only focusing on how to get across town the fastest way possible.

"Niall and I, I feel, have something that could possibly turn into more and I just am asking you kindly to not interfere. I've heard all those dumb ass tabloids talk about your-" he heard the other clear his throat awkwardly, " 'home-wrecking' tendencies and I don't really have the patience nor the time for that."

And the curly haired man was enraged, deeply i hailing through his nose before getting prepared to reply,

"Oops, Sorry, Niall's entered the building." And then, the line went dead.


It wasn't until fifteen minutes later when Harry arrived at the mechanic place. He practically stormed out of his vehicle, breathing heavily and only seeming to see red as he stomped towards the door and began preparing his speech towards a very disrespectful man who seemed to think he and Niall 'had something.'

As long as Harry found himself in the picture, they would most definitely not.

"Niall!" He yelled out, wincing himself at the echo the volume caused and he could feel his anger shrink a bit, only to grow once more as he turned to see an unfamiliar— Shawn, laying nonchalantly on the couch with a smug smirk.

He felt a twisting feeling in his gut, his stomach spurring and churning on this completely unfamiliar feeling. He felt nasty, as though he was nauseous but not due to illness. Like, the fact that Niall could be with this man sprawled on the sofa before him made him sick to his stomach.

He wasn't jealous, didn't want to be at least.

"Harry?!" Niall shouted in surprise, slightly incredulous that the man was actually right there. "Wait, what time is it, Shawn?"

"12:45, babe." He popped his mouth at the pet name, Harry sent a glare towards the other filled with pure hatred as he then softened his gaze immensely before turning back to the brunette boy looking genuinely guilty.

"I'm so sorry, Harry, we were supposed to go out ten minutes ago!"

"Wait, what?" Shawn instantly sat up, not believing that Niall would actually give a guy like Styles a chance.

It was Harrys turn to send a smug look.

He made sure to do so, no matter how petty it sounded.

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