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brand new chap! never been seen before! enjoy loves :)


He resisted the urge to just ditch because he knew that the promise to his father was worth more than the slight resentment he held against the strange man. It wasn't hate, maybe a certain anger resonated from inner insecurities, but either way it was stopping him from ever wanting to be close to Mr. Styles because at the end of the day, he still felt uncomfortable near the man. So, when he woke up at five thirty in the morning to start his regular day, he found himself dreading what was to come.

"You're going over to the city for this right?" Liam asked him quietly as they sat in the small dining room, gathered in a slight huddle due to the small space. Louis was asleep, and it was a rarity for him to do so because of the constant pain he was put under so the family always liked to let him sleep in, get the rest he deserved, and start the day off properly. "Uh, I guess so, Pa'." He answered reluctantly, unable to form the smile that he wanted to because in all honesty, he really didn't want to do this.

"Hun, don't act like that. All you're doing is meeting a very nice man who can offer you great things, maybe he wants you to be an intern at his company? I went to the library yesterday," and the man pulled out a small little file that obtained printed photos of a large building, and a printed article regarding the business growth over the last year or so. "And found these. Apparently this man is very important and just having a year long internship there with average reviews can get you any job in the business industry. He's a very powerful being, hun. It'll be great for your future."

"But I don't want this." He countered softly, trying to find a way out of this, "I just want to be with you guys and take care of you guys and work at the mechanic shop like we're supposed to."

"We're losing the shop Ni, you know that."

He didn't.

"And if you want to do the best for this family, you'll just go for today. You can go in the afternoon, it'll give you time to think it over and if by noon you don't want anything to do with the man then I understand one hundred percent. We'll figure something else out." Liam was calm, smiling genuinely at his son as he spoke because he just needed his son to be happy, he didn't want him to feel pressured into anything because that was the complete opposite of what he wanted.

"Don't worry, Pa'. I'll go in thirty minutes."


The bus was empty, to his luck, and he was able to find a quick spot at the front only to be watched by one of the few other passengers.

"Sir?" Niall questioned softly after a handful of unnerving minutes, it wasn't his favorite thing to be watched early in the morning; especially when he was already disgruntled with the responsibilities ahead of him. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Oh my," the Canadian accent rang, the man was clearly flustered and Niall gave a small smile because this young adult didn't seem to be a threat. "I'm so sorry, I must've blanked out. I'm Shawn, by the way, and I find you absolutely stunning— I'm sorry I wasn't supposed to say that aloud— "

"It's fine." Niall giggled, feeling himself blush at the boy's rambling. He deemed the man as an important professional, his hair perfectly jelled and suit perfectly tailored. There was one curl that resisted the treatment, falling against the center of his forehead which caused Niall to smile fondly.

"You're beautiful," Shawn admitted kindly, watching the boy's face fill with color even more; making his chest swell with a pride he'd never felt before. "I told you my name, what's yours?"

"Niall." And the perfect grin was flashed his way once more, causing the Canadian's jaw to slacken a bit as he sat across of the boy, just admiring every little feature. "Is there anything about you that isn't pretty? And your accent, I suppose you're Irish?"

"Yeah! How'd you guess so quick?"

"Hun, it doesn't take a genius."

The blue eyes sparkled a bit, the pearly whites still showing form between his perfectly pink lips and the boy couldn't help but ask, "What're you doing on this side of town, Shawn?"

"Well, my car got towed after visiting a co-workers family so I needed a ride back to my apartment in the city."

"Oh! And what do you do for a living?"

"I work at a modeling agency."

When Niall found himself in front of a very extravagant building in the center of the town, he could feel his confidence lowering by the second. And he started second guessing even showing up, because Harry was most likely a busy man and what if he forgot? Shaking the thoughts away, he took a deep breath before striding inside the modernist building.

"Uh," the front clerk frowned as she took in the boy's stature, a ripped over sized t-shirt and jeans? He definitely wasn't from around this side of town. "Who are you?" She grimaced slightly, trying to bite her tongue as to avoid any rude remarks that might slip out.

" 'M Niall Horan, ma'am." He grinned brightly, felling the rush of adrenaline flow through his body smoothly.

He could do this!

And his smile faltered a bit as the lady guffawed at the name before trying to clear her throat to hide it, "Ah, well, you're not on the visitors list for today so you may not enter the building."

"Oh no, Harry Styles asked me to be here yesterday?" And he didn't know what he said for the receptionist to laugh once more but all of a sudden he felt incredibly insecure, and yeah, this wasn't the right decision.

"Oh hun, Harry Styles wouldn't as a street rat to accompany him in his office, please let yourself out."

"Ah okay, ma'am." He muttered out, unable to even look at her in the eye because he was so embarrassed. "I'll see my way out. Sorry for wasting your time. I hope you have a wonderful day."

And he was about to turn around and run out of the building without a word, he was so fucking tired of being counted as such degrading things. It didn't matter his financial status, he was just a regular teenager trying to find himself like everyone else his age. So, he held back his humiliation, knowing crying would only make things worse.

"A street rat, Taylor? That's the way you described this young man?"

And Niall almost had a heart attack when a familiar man took a step from the corner he seemed to be lurking in, looking ready to kill someone.

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