Chapter 3: Piltover

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I wake up in the morning and noticed Twitch is gone. I quickly changed and fixed my hair using a comb. It became silky, straight and smooth within a minute. I grabbed my stuff and head out.

The captain said that we'll be arriving in Piltover in 5 minutes.

5 minutes till I can see my sister and see who's my tour guide.

I saw Piltover. It looked enchanting. There were buildings everywhere and a bridge beside a waterfall. I could see why Jinx would choose a city like this to ruin. There just had to be chaos in a city like this.

~Five Minutes Later~

The captain annouced that we were officially in Piltover. I said goodbye to Twitch and wish him the best of luck on his mission. Twitch nodded and said goodbye.

I stepped out of the ship and onto the dock. It was breathtaking. Suddenly, I see a blond-haired boy at the corner, waiting impatiently.

He has to be the one that Singed was talking about.

I walked towards him and tapped him lightly on the shoulder.

He turned around in confusion. He had blue eyes and an outfit that said that he was an explorer. I remembered this guy from one of Jinx's encounters.

"Ezreal," I said.

"Ah, you're the girl who Singed told me about," he said. Ezreal lent out his hand, expecting for money.

"Here," I said, giving him 1,000 RP in a small money bag.

"Thanks, now I just need to show you around Piltover right?"

"Or just take me to Jinx, whatever's fine."

"Jinx wanders around a lot. It's probably easier if I just show you Piltover. By the way, are you sure that you're related to Jinx?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, confused.

Ezreal looked at me from head to toe and winked.

"Cause you're kinda cute."

I fought against a tiny blush coming to my face.

"Uh thanks. But wouldn't Lux be mad that you said that?"

"You know about my girlfriend? Anyway, there are many things she doesn't know about," he winked again. "Besides, you don't seem nearly as crazy as Jinx."

"Well," I said, "I can be if I wanted to but I choose not to. But really, you shouldn't cheat on Lux like that."

"So you are cute and you care about my girlfriend's feelings," he smirks. "Okay I'll show you Piltover then."

We walked around the city. Everything was amazing.

"So Piltover is the City of Progress," he began. "People usually move here because of its low crime rate and because we have a sheriff and officer. Caitlyn and Vi."

"I heard there's a rivalry between Vi and my sis. Is it true?" I asked.

"Kind of. I mean Jinx wrecks everything as Vi tries her best to stop her. I guess you can call it a rivalry. They are polar opposites. Even in appearance. Have you noticed that Vi has pink hair, blue eyes and is fully armored but Jinx has blue hair, pink eyes and is barely clothed?"

"Do you pay attention to girls that much?" I smirked.

"Only if they're interesting," he replied.

"I'll introduce you to Caitlyn and Vi," he said, stopping in front of an office building.

"Doesn't Caitlyn have a crush on you though," I pointed out.

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