Chapter 21: Enraged

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After walking for another ten minutes, we were out of the forest. Jayce texted me and told me where the text was from.

Hey Ezreal,

Apparently that message of yours came from Helio Headquarters itself - Floor 8, Room ADC.

Hope you can find Kiera.


P.S. Don't forget to shoot a Mystic Shot in the air when you reach HHQ.

I texted back:

Thx. I'll remember.


P.S. Y don't u use abbreviations in txts?

A reply was followed up:

Because I, unlike you, have decency to type in a formal proper manner.


I texted again:

Rite, I don't have decency. Dats y I don't bother turning off the auto-cap and auto-correct. Also y I don't start with because in a sentence.

Jinx looked over and then snatched the phone out of my hands.

"Are you serious? Now's not the time to be texting," she says.

It was already 11:49 P.M. We walked towards the blue building. I quickly fired a Mystic Shot into the air, just like I said I would. Jinx raised an eyebrow and Malz said, "Vi, Cait and Jayce said to."

Inside Helio Headquarters were a bunch of white tables, broken glass, beakers, computers and basically everything else you'd fine in a science lab.

"Come on, we need to find an elevator," I said. This place was giving me the creeps. The curtains of the windows swayed from the gust of wind leaving us to believe that something was outside.

Jinx tried the light switch but it wasn't working. I didn't expect anything to work here except the brain of an evil mastermind. Maybe not exactly a mastermind but more of a criminal about to lose an eye or two.

Malz found the elevator and we pushed the button labelled "8".

I was nervous. Would Kiera be here? What if the person was lying? What if we're locked inside the room?

I shook it off as we went to find Room ADC. As Jinx, Malzahar and I approached it, Jinx paused.

"Whatever happens, save my sister alright? Don't care about me."

Malz nodded slightly and I frowned. She must really love her sister.

She opened the door and we saw Kiera, all tied up with some kind of metallic rope and had a blindfold around her head.

I rushed in.

"Who's there?" she asks. "Is it you again?"

I'm wondering who "you" is but that didn't matter right now.

"No it's me Ezreal!" I take off her blindfold.

Her eyes looked fearful. "It's a trap."

She disappeared as did Jinx and Malz.


"Well, well, well Ezreal," a mysterious voice calls out.

That voice. I hate her, more than anyone else in the world. I understood what Gnar's drawing meant now. The girl was emitting light energy.

"Show yourself Lux, you pathetic coward!"

"If you insist, Ezzy-poo." She steps out of nowhere and smiles at me.

"Why would you kidnap Kiera?" I demanded.

"How else am I supposed to get you back if she is in the way?"

"You aren't going to be my girlfriend let alone friend anymore Lux," I said coldly.

"Then how about this," she says. "If you'll be my boyfriend and never talk to Kiera ever again, I'll set her free."

I stared at her incredulously. "Are you blackmailing me?!"

She ignored my question.

"Haven't you heard the saying that if you love something, let it go? Why are you so selfish?!" I raged.

"I'm not. If you aren't willing to make your decision then fine. I'll kill Kiera myself." Her eyes weren't a cool blue anymore but were ice cold. Her expression was angry and annoyed and there is no doubt that she is going to kill Kiera.

Lux disappeared and I am suddenly back in the room again with Jinx and Malz.

"What happened?!" Malz demanded.

I told them quickly about what happened in the past few minutes and how Lux will kill Kiera.

"Not until I kill her first,"Jinx said.

We looked around Room ADC and found a hidden staircase leading upstairs.

When we reached the top, I saw the real Kiera, tied up and weakened. There was a purple bruise on her left eye and her hair was messed up. In front of her was Lux, preparing to finish her off.

"No!" I yelled, using Arcane Shift to push Kiera to the side, letting Lux's ultimate go through me.

I fell on the floor, out of energy and moaned. Kiera crawls back on top of me.

"What?! It wasn't supposed to be you dying!" Lux said, glaring at Kiera.


"Ezreal, you took it for me..." she says, holding my hand.

"I want you to know that I'll always love you."

"No, you can't," she said, tearing up. "I won't let you."

Kiera stood up in front of Lux.

"How dare you," she whispered. "You little bitch deserve to die."

Her eyes didn't stream tears anymore. Her rage took over. Kiera's eyes turned pale white and a dragon soared out tackling Lux, leaving her unconscious.

"Kiera?" Jinx asked, afraid of the truth. The dragon was taking over her body, just like when it did years ago.

"Jinx," she said coldly. "Leave me alone. I have better things to do."

Kiera rose - levitated though I don't know how and flew out of the window, into the sky. I know that this isn't good, but I don't know how to stop it.

My vision faded away and I fainted.

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