Chapter 8: Teemo's Shroom

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~Kiera's PoV~

I walked right of the restaurant. After, I just sprinted out and ran away in the Park. I leaned against the same tree that Ez and I leant against earlier and I began to cry.

"Where did you here that from? And seriously Lux? Singed told me to look after her because he paid me!" he said.

So he doesn't like me? He just pretended because of the stupid money? I had never been heartbroken before, but since I now have, it tears me apart from the inside.

I didn't even pay attention to what Lux said to me.

I cried and cried and cried for a few minutes. That's when I heard someone move. A tiny someone. I looked over at the direction of where the noise was coming from.

I see two yordles. They both have a pair of goggles just like me. One had white hair and blue skin while the other had brown and white fur with a bunch of darts.

They approached me.

"Are you alright?" asked the white-haired one.

"Yeah, you seem a little down," added the other.

"It's nothing... Who are you guys anyway?" I questioned with curiousity.

"I'm Tristana," claimed the blue-skinned yordle. "And he's Teemo."

Tristana and Teemo.

Where have I heard those two names before?

"I can tell something's wrong," said Teemo.

"You can tell us!" added Tristana. "We're SUPER trustworthy!"

"Uhm.... well....." I hesitated. Should I really tell them? I'll just tell them the details but not mention who.

"I liked someone but he has a girlfriend. His girlfriend dropped by and he mentioned that he doesn't really like me even though he was giving me hints he does," I confessed.

"Hmmm..." The two yordles whispered to each other.

"Well what's your name?" asked Tristana.

"I'm Kiera.." I said slowly.

"Then is it Ezreal?" asked Teemo.

I knew a blush was going to come on, so I kept my face straight and solid. I can lie pretty easily.

"Nope, some other person. Why would you think it's him?" I asked.

"Because Ezreal is a player, it was said that he was with you a lot, he has a girlfriend named Lux, and Lux dropped by Piltover today," concluded Teemo.

So everyone knows he is a player, apart from himself.

"Not him though, I like someone else. And who told you that I hanged around with Ezreal?" I asked, clearly suspicious.

"Hey, I like your goggles," Trist said, completely ignoring my question and changing the subject. "Wanna trade just for today?" She eyed it hopefully.

I laughed. "Sure, I wouldn't mind." I took off my goggles and Trist took off hers.

Really though. Who told them about me and Ezreal? There's only five people: Jax, Vi, Caitlyn, Thresh and Annie.

Jax, Vi and Thresh wouldn't really care and if they want me to be apart of the team, they probably wouldn't tell anyone. I'll probably be their "secret weapon."

Caitlyn wouldn't care just as much. Many people visit Piltover so why would she announce me to everyone?

There's only one person left: Annie. That little she-devil.

For a moment they both gaped at me.

"What?" I asked looking confused, completely surrounded by my own thoughts.

"How can a guy NOT like you?" Teemo asked in amazement.

"You could be prettier than Lux herself," laughed Trist.

I guess it cheered me up. At least Trist and Teemo are caring. I wore Trist's goggles and she wore mine.

"Come on," said Trist, as she Rocket Jump over the bush. "Let's go to Gragas' bar!"

I smiled and followed them. Unfortunately, it was too soon.

"WAIT! DON'T STEP THERE!" Teemo yelled.

I stepped there in confusion. Suddenly, a mushroom exploded and I felt poison spreading all over my veins. I fainted and black out.

~Tristana's PoV~


I Rocket Jump back over the bush and see an unconsious Kiera on the ground.

"What happened Teemo?!" I said, freaking out.

"She stepped on one of my shrooms! We need to get her to a nurse or a healer immediately!" said Teemo.

Teemo and I carried Kiera into a nearby hospital.

We followed a woman into a room and we saw Sona there.

"SONA!" I yelled in happiness. Sona would definitely be able to heal Kiera.

"What happened?" Sona asked, using her powers of telepathy. Teemo and I laid Kiera on the bed.

"She stepped on one of my shrooms and she's been poisoned," explained Teemo.

Sona quickly searches for an antidote in the shelves. She found one and let Kiera drink it by pouring the contents into her mouth.

Sona starts healing inmediately.

"So who is she?" Sona asked.

"She's Kiera," I said.

"Oh, Jinx's sister?"

I looked at Teemo. She's Jinx's sister? She's too... what's the word? Non-Jinx?

"I dunno... she didn't tell us that," said Teemo.

"Well she probably is. I don't know of any other Kieras," said Sona.

Teemo decided to text Ezreal, to let him know about Kiera.

I'm pretty sure Kiera likes Ezreal. He's the only person she had hanged out with and like Sona said - I don't know of any other Kieras.

Teemo announced that Ezreal was on his way and we just talked to each other, hoping that Kiera would be okay.

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