Chapter 19: Kidnapped

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~Ezreal's PoV~

I wake up at 8:00 A.M. In a few hours, Kiera and the rest of the team will watch more matches.

The Blades (Katarina, Twitch, Janna, Diana and Nidalee) were victorious over the Tempest (Yasuo, Fizz, Aatrox, Corki and Sona) yesterday.

Today is the Explosives (Ziggs, Darius, Vayne, Leona and Evelynn) versus the Loyals (Caitlyn, Nami, Hecarim, Teemo and Irelia).

Tomorrow would be Xenon (Kennen, Garen, Karma, Miss Fortune and Volibear) versus the Rocketeers (Jinx, Blitzcrank, Malzahar, Fiora and Lee Sin).

The day after would be my team versus the Frostbites (Ashe, Zyra, Tryndamere, Tristana and Udyr).

Everyone thinks that the Loyals or Rocketeers will win because they have Caitlyn and Teemo but Jinx and Blitz can beat Cait and Nami.

It'll all depend on the mid to see who's better.

Malzahar woke and ate his breakfast. Funny, I didn't see Kiera yet.

"Is she still sleeping?" I ask Malz.

"Her room's quiet," he said.


I rush to her room and knocked on the door a few times. No answer.

"Kiera?" I opened the door.

It was my biggest fear of all time. Kiera wasn't there. The bed was messy and had a stain of some kind of liquid on it. Her locket was on her drawer, untouched. The window was open.

Where could she be? What happened to her? Is she okay?

All these questions swarm in my head.

"Malz!" I Arcane Shift to the kitchen. "Kiera's not home!"

"How is that possible?"

"I don't kn-"


My phone gave me a text from an unknown number.

Well, well, well Ezreal.

Looks like you'll be a little sad without your precious Kiera. Don't worry, she is safe...for now.

However, if you want to see her again, I suggest to go to Helio Headquarters at midnight. Don't bring anyone with you and you'll see your Kiera there perfectly safe and sound.

Unless of course, you never want to see her again which I'll gladly obliged to.

I froze in the spot, rereading the message.

"What is it?" Malz asks me.

I gave him my phone.

"She's been kidnapped," I say quietly.

Malzahar's eyes were filled with fear.

"Report this to Caitlyn and Vi! They can help!"

"You're right... but I'm still worried."

Malz pats me on the back. "It's okay Ez, Kiera can defend herself. I did a 1v1 match with her, remember?"

"Yeah but I saw you. You let her win," I pointed out.

"Heh," he smirks. "We are all in the competition aren't we? Don't want to reveal my tricks in the beginning."

I stare at him. His scheme was perfect. Just battle your opponents, find out their weaknesses, let them win and know everything about them.

"Well anyway, let's go to Caitlyn's office."


We left straight for the office building. Jayce is actually good at machinery and technology. Perhaps he can trace the text back to where it came from.

I see a person with a top hat beside a pink-haired person. Caitlyn and Vi.

"What is it Ez?" Vi asked.

"Uhm. Kiera's been kidnapped."

"WHAT?!" Caitlyn looked straight at me.

I told them on how when Malz and I woke up, she wasn't home and then I received a text about her whereabouts.

Vi took my phone and read the text. "Helio Headquarters? No one goes there anymore because it was abandonned by a group of scientists."

"Jayce!" Caitlyn called. He appeared a second later.


Cait explained the situation to him and asked him to track the text back to the source.

Jayce took the phone and began at once.

Vi added, "So are you going by yourself Ez? Or do you want some ninja backup?"

"I'll go by myself." After all, I am her boyfriend, I need to save her.

"But Ez," I cut Malz off.

"No, it's okay."

"Too bad, I'm coming," Malz says.

"Here's a map of Piltover," Caitlyn says.

"I know how Piltover looks like," I rolled my eyes. They don't call me the Prodigal Explorer for nothing.

"Whatever. Point is to get to Helio Headquarters, you need to pass by a forest. No one goes to HHQ anymore because of the scientists like Vi said. But be cautious. The forest has many animals and things that'll be ready to defend themselves."

"Is that the only way?" Malz asks.

"Yup, unless of course you want to jump into a ice-cold lake and swim across then climb a rocky unstable mountain."

"Guess the jungle's our best bet then," I say.

"Good luck," Vi said. "We'll come by once we know you have safely reached Helio Headquarters. When you do shoot a Mystic Shot in the air."

Jayce copied the message and returned my phone back to me.

"I'll text you when I find out who the source is."

"Okay then."

Malzahar and I walk out. I can't believe Kiera was kidnapped. If anything happens to her, I wouldn't live with myself.

I sat down on the bench with Malz beside me.

"I know you love her a lot Ezreal," he began. "But I know we'll find her."

"I hope you're right."

Malzahar said that we'll go to Gragas' Bar to cheer me up.

We drank a little, talked and laughed. Malz is actually not that bad. I wish he was on our team again but the team maximum is five people and I'm not going to exclude Kiera. She's our team leader anyway.

At 12:00, we watched the Explosives team vs the Loyals. I'll take notes for Kiera. Let's see.

Ziggs pokes hard and gets mana-hungry. Easiest thing to do is go after him before he gets level 6.

For Teemo well, Teemo's going to be a piss off. He will just poke with normal attacks, then when he's super low with the opposing, he'll blind.

I suppose to get rid of Teemo is a gank. Teemo can only blind one at a time and his other skills are passives. His ultimate however, will be used like wards and be spreaded all over.

Now my turn. Vayne and Leona. Leona's a tank, so she'll initiate first, making sure I focus her instead of Vayne. Vayne's a hypercarry also, which means I'll need her to feed me early game.

Caitlyn and Nami. Caitlyn's range is greater than anyone elses which means she'll try to poke me whenever she can. Nami will just heal her if I poke her which means I'll need to kill Caitlyn ASAP before Nami's cooldown for heal is finished.

Caitlyn can also ward just by putting traps so I'll ask Thresh to step into them so that he can get rid of the traps.

I guess that's it. I'm really worried about Kiera though.

I really really hope that she is okay.

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