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"You've been hiding something I can tell" we had decided to come back to Farkle's house after school since his parents were gone again this weekend. They took Auggie with them on a camping adventure which Farkle and Riley barely managed to escape they really had to put up a fight to stay back.

"Aren't you observant?" I lounged on the couch stretching my short legs across the cushions.

"Actually I am," He sits up leaning against the coffee table. "You've been hanging around my house a lot more."

"You know I don't like to be home." I was quick with a come back it wasn't a total lie, I didn't like being home.

"Your attention seems to wander," He looks me in the eyes I could see the worry clear in his expression. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah never been better." I didn't like keeping secrets from him, I didn't like keeping my distance from Riley but I didn't want to lose either of them.

"You've made me resort to this." His lips twisted into a wicked grin.

"You're just wasting it don't do it Farkle," I knew from his smile what he was thinking in that brain of his.

"You've given me no choice," he stood up crossing his arms, "my parents will be gone just you, me, and my sister for the night."

The thought of Riley made my cheeks redden. I had been very jumpy around her lately and how could I not? Ever since I told her that I'm attracted to her she's been trying to talk.

"Oh this is going to be good," he let our an evil laugh, "Maya I challenge you to a battle of secrets."

"Fuck," I would be more worried if he actually won these things but it was still a pain in my ass.

"I won't make this easy on you." He walked away shuffling around in the kitchen cabinets.

I don't plan on losing I haven't so far I was just better at holding my drinks. After he came back he handed me a bunch of bottles and cups. I juggled everything trying not to drop anything when they came downstairs. Riley looked stunning a casual band tee with shorts that showed off her long smooth legs.

She looked at Farkle with a raised eyebrow and back to me. Riley's lips turned down frowning a little and I couldn't blame her. I've been running from her.

"We need you to be the judge." Farkle gave her puppy dog eyes and I just looked away any other place then on her.

"Not this again" I heard her walk down the rest of the stairs.

"That's what I said" I added in looking over at her.

"You always lose Farkle." She looked over at me and turned visibly ignoring me. It definitely hurt but I definitely deserved it.

"This time I don't plan on it Maya's got something big just waiting to spill"

"Hiding something?" She looked at me knowing exactly what I was hiding.

"I'm not hiding anything,"

"Such confidence this should be exciting to watch," she sounded sarcastic about it. Farkle coughed to grab her attention

"Let's get this started then," We followed Farkle making our way down to the basement.

Riley and Farkle set up a foldable table and grab different sized cups setting them up equally on both sides of the table. I place all the drinks that I'm carrying in the center of the table.

"Okay you know the rules drink the same cup as each other, the person who initiates goes second." Farkle smiles filling the cups with different liquids.

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