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*Riley's POV *

"I just can't believe this day has come," I could hear my father pacing the hallway. "The day my daughter is ripped from me and taken to a school dance."

"Honey calm down she's getting older it was bound to happen." My mother has always been the voice of reason she was always making everyone in the family feel better and I loved that about her. This time though I wasn't sure if she could calm my father.

"After so many years of group dances I was hoping it would just continue," he started to pace again his shoes hitting the wood floor," The only reason I'm letting this happen is because her date asked for my blessing."

"Wait? He asked you for your blessing and you didn't explode?" My mother let out an exaggerated gasp.

I wasn't intentionally eavesdropping before but now things were getting juicy I couldn't help but be tempted to get a closer look. I took one last glance in the mirror and smiled before leaving the room.

"Rewind! HE?" My father yelled out I jumped in surprise at how serious he sounded. "Who is he?"

The door buzz interrupted their conversation and I decided it would be best to join them in the living room. If Lucas wasn't the one who asked my father for permission then who was? It would have to be someone my father somewhat approved of because he definitely had some high standards.

"Hey, it's Lucas I'm here to pick up Riley."

The color from my fathers face drained as he looked from the speaker box to me. "No. No no no no no!"

"Is that Maya!" Auggie yelled as he ran from his room and collided into me. "Riley you look so beautiful!"

"Auggie why would you think Maya would be here?" I was starting to put the pieces together and it made me feel uneasy.

"How about we let our guest up. I feel like he's been waiting for awhile." Farkle joined us in the living room. He buzzed Lucas up and then he twirled showing off his attire. My mother went over to him fixing a couple out of place hairs and licked her finger to wipe something off his face. "Ew wait no I'm not a child anymore I'll do it myself."

We all laughed at his reaction except for my father who looked distracted. I walked over to him and he wrapped me into a hug. "No matter what I just want you to have fun tonight. Even if everything didn't go like I thought it was I'm not going to ruin your night."

A knock at the door ended our hug and my father walked over to open it revealing my date. Lucas was dressed in a classic black suit he looked like he could be a movie star. My eyes glanced over his body he was toned and perfect. Someone cleared their throat and I couldn't help but blush. Lucas smiled and walked closer to me handing me a container with a beautiful red flowers inside. Opening the box the flower aroma was still there and it was wonderful. He plucked the flower out gently and wrapped it around my wrist. My stomach did a flip when he lingered close to me.

"Your turn." His smile was so charming and perfect. I grabbed the boutonnière which matched and complimented my flower and pinned it on his suit. I could hear non stop clicks and flashes coming from my mother and I couldn't help but smile at her actions.

"Come on Farkle get in there for one last picture." Farkle stepped between the two of us and put his arm over my shoulder grinning towards the camera.

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