New world

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I honked obnoxiously outside the Matthews household. When the door swung open forcefully my lips turned into a smirk. I missed this all summer, messing with Mr. Matthews was one of my favorite pass times. Not only was he my best friends father he was also our high school history teacher.

"Maya it's way too early to be honking and waking all the neighbors!" He was dressed up in his teacher attire and it brought flashbacks to the time with all the chalk dust. It was an amazing performance, definitely one of my best pranks from freshman year.

"Hey what can I say if I have to be awake so do they." I flashed him an innocent smile.

Farkle came speeding past Mr.Matthews running straight to my car. He was tanned and had a shorter haircut then the last time I saw him. We had spent almost everyday hanging out mostly at parties and my house since we knew we could get away with drinking since no one was ever home. But then he met a girl with a beach house and soon I was pushed to number two, I'd never stand in the way of him and his many flings though.

"This is amazing! My best friend and I tackling another first day, it's going to be full of fresh new eye candy." He leaned his weight on his arms gripping the car frame.

I rolled my eyes as he hopped in ignoring the door and climbing right over the car. I knew Farkle loved to do this so I typically left the roof down whenever I picked him up.

His hand reached out cranking up the music. "Come one blondie let's rule sophomore year!"

"Farkle! Take your sister!" Mr.Matthews yelled out from the door with a cute brunette beside him. Riley? I guess I had never really paid attention to the girl who shared Farkle's home. She definitely got her mother's looks. I quickly put my car back into park admiring her appearance.

"Ahhhh," Farkle muted the music slouching in the passenger seat. "This sucks."

Mr. Matthews gave her a big embarrassing kiss on the cheek and I couldn't help but laugh as she pushed him away adjusting her backpack as she approached the car. I felt Farkle glaring angrily at me.

"Come on be nice. It's her first day of high school, you're suppose to be a cool brother."

His expression softened and he turned the music up a little more. "I am a cool brother but what is it going to look like me walking into school trying to get some ladies when I have my little sister beside me."

"Maybe it'll be an advantage. Some girls might think it's sweet of you." Farkle's smile grew wider then I'd ever seen before. "I've created a monster."

"You have space for one more?" She looked nervously down at her hands, twirling her fingers slowly. I remember the freshman nerves I felt last year. I doubt I was as adorable though.

"Yeah hop in, don't be nervous princess," I winked at her when her eyes shot up to meet mine. Her cheeks were brushed with a soft pink glow.

"Ugh this," Farkle gestures between me and Riley, "kills my vibe. Stop doing this. Anyways, now I realize that my brother duties have been extended to making sure high school creeps don't try and get with my sister."

"Farkle, I don't need you to do anything this is finally my turn to have my own world." She grasps the door handle clicking it open as she tossed her backpack in and sat down clicking on her seatbelt.

"I don't care what dad says about making your own world. High school is a wild jungle and you, Riley, are a small little bunny. You don't belong in such a deadly jungle." I didn't mean to laugh but I did which earned me a mean glare from Riley. Farkle was right she was a bunny, her mean face proved it. I put my car in drive and drove down the road following the familiar path to school.

"Oh come on big brother she'll be fine give her a break." Looking in my rear view mirror I could see a hint of a smile surface on her face.

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