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*A few days later*

"Hey, Mr. Matthews! I'm here to abduct your eldest son." I yelled walking through the front doors. I had stopped knocking after about the first week of our friendship. I loved how flustered it made Cory every time I came barging through the front door.

After a few moments of no response I felt a little disappointed. I could hear the low mumbling of a tv and decided to check out the living room. Rounding the corner I could see Riley sprawled on the couch watching cartoons with Auggie. August Matthews was the youngest of the siblings and he was definitely the most spoiled.

"Hey Riles," I leaned against the wall waiting for her to respond.

"Riles?" Riley perked up looking over the couch her head tilting to the side in confusion. She looked comfortable in an oversized t-shirt with her hair messed up from laying down. I refused to admit that I thought she looked pretty cute.

"Yeah it's something new I'm trying out," I smirked trying not to smile too hard. "Do you like it?"

"I do." She smiled back revealing those dimples I loved to look at.

"I like your insane bedhead, well couch head I guess." I laughed as her brown doe eyes widened. Riley began to frantically smooth down her hair and after she finished hers eyes moved down to her appearance.

"Stop freaking out I think it's cute." My thoughts added the cute part and I was too slow to stop myself. My brain and heart were working against me and I was losing bad.

"You're just being nice." Riley stood up handing Auggie the controller as he stayed hypnotized to the cartoon figures.

"I'm not it's true." I pushed off the wall strolling closer to where she stood.

"Riley, you trying to knock Maya out with that morning breath of yours?" Farkle walked out of the door that lead into the kitchen. I'd never seen Riley so red before it was definitely a sight to see. Her hand raised up covering her mouth and she looked back and forth between Farkle and I.

I tried to fight everything inside me that told me to laugh and I had been doing a good job staying distracted but my laughter escaped me cutting the tension between the siblings. Both their eyes shot in my direction and I managed to mumble out an apology but it was difficult through the laughter that continued to seep out.

"Farkle!" Riley ran pushing past me as she quickly made her way to the stairs. The last thing I heard was a slamming of a door.

"What did I tell you kids about slamming doors?" Topanga and Cory's voices could be heard from upstairs and then a jiggling of a door knob. The noise stopped as they gave up and soon they were coming down the steps and into the living area.

"Farkle what did you do to your sister this time?" Topanga said sweetly trying not sound like she was accusing him of something.

"What! Maya! What are you doing here?" I loved it when Cory freaked out. I just gave him a smile and small wave.

"Nothing at all my beautiful mother." Farkle gave her some big puppy dog eyes as he stepped closer to her grabbing her in a hug.

"This used to work when you were cuter and smaller Farkle," she reciprocated the embrace. "Now tell me what you did."

"Fine I'm sorry I may have teased her a bit." Farkle rolled his eyes.

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