You & Me

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"Everyone close your eyes." The teacher instructed standing in the front of the class.

"Now breath, imagine all the beautiful things you've seen and done. Take that and let it inspire you for this first assignment." He paced through the desks I could hear each step as he got closer to mine. He was laying down something on everyone's desk but I couldn't tell what it was with my eyes closed.

"I want you to draw, paint, make something that says something about you. Something from all these beautiful things you've seen that you relate to. Open your eyes." He was back at the front of the class.

On the desks there were scattered art pieces from past students. The one sitting in front of me was a budding flower. The color contrast was beautiful whoever had done it was really good. I looked up at the others in the class admiring the art in front of them. Riley was in the front row, first seat, and she looked eager. When she first sat down at the beginning of class she was immediately talking to those around her. They were so different from each other, Riley preferred the front, Maya preferred the seat in the back. Riley talked with others and Maya kept to herself. Riley was like this budding flower she was new but slowly showing her beauty to those around her.

"Get to work. Let art and inspiration flow through you." The teacher took a seat at his desk hitting the play button on the speaker laying there. Soft classical music filled the air as students wandered to get supplies.

"Hey," I had a blank canvas in front of me zoning out but her familiar voice pulled me out. "I was wondering if I could sit here." She pointed to the spot beside me.

"You don't even have to ask," I gave her a reassuring smile and she sat down putting her canvas onto the easel in front of her. I start painting a little here, a little there, it was coming together slowly. I knew what would describe me perfectly. A door, cracked just the slightest, because I'm not an open door and I never will be.

Through life people have passed me without taking a second glance assuming I'm shut tight. But then there's the few who are curious to find out what the light is that's shining through the cracks. Like Farkle.

"That's beautiful." She was leaning over from her seat. Looking over my shoulder. "You're really good Maya."

Like Riley.

I nod continuing on my art. I wanted to finish it while I still had inspiration. After I was finished I got up grabbing my supplies and put everything away before I started washing my brushes. Once I got back I walked behind Riley she had a lot of purple paint and I found it cute that she had just as much paint covering her hands and arms as she had covering her canvas. Grabbing a towel I brought it back over to her.

"Here," I swung it over her shoulder. "You don't want to be purple all day."

"I don't mind. I like purple." She kept her focus on the canvas.

It was a purple cat. I couldn't help but think it was fitting. She was unique and different. It made me realize that I haven't been intrigued by someone in a long time.

"Okay those of you done. Come up and explain." The teacher paused his music and looked around the room.

"I painted a door cracked open with a bright glow. I'm Maya, if you don't get how this represents me I don't care." I held up my artwork moving to the side as Riley went next.

"I'm Riley. I love purple it's not red it's not blue I feel like it shows that I don't conform to what others think I should be. I'm a purple cat. I feel like the cat shows my curiosity for life. This is me."

Riley wasn't like all of those fake people that came to school everyday trying to impress others, she wasn't afraid to be herself, and she was comfortable with it. I wanted to learn to be comfortable to.

Thanks to all of you who have voted and read the first couple of chapters I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Don't be afraid to give me some feedback or even send me a message I know where I want this story to go but if there's something you want to see or suggestions you have I'd love to hear from you. I write for you guys so please keep reading and supporting me on this new story journey.

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