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*Rileys POV*

It's been days I've been on the edge of my seat every moment of the day. Every time I saw her blonde hair flash by me I shot straight up and followed her but every time she managed to escape me. I was dying to talk to her, to hear her voice, to feel her arms around me. I stood in the empty halls feeling defeated for the tenth time today.

"Riley you got to stop chasing after her." Farkle's hand landed on my shoulder and I glanced up at him.

"Why is she making this so hard?" I whispered.

"She's complex," He shrugged taking his hand off my shoulder "-but she'll come around maybe."

"Riley!" Lucas sprints over to us breathing heavy as he stops in front of us.

"Lucas what's wrong?" I raise my eyebrow questioning how far he must've run to be this out of breath.

"I know how to get you to forgive me." He stands straight meeting my eyes. "I'll win her over I promise."

"She doesn't even want anything to do with me." I bite my cheek stoping myself from letting my feelings take over me. I had cried way too many times I was not going to let myself cry in public.

Lucas pulls me into a hug and I reciprocate before letting go. He throws out his hand and shows me his pinky which made me smile. What a childish way to make a promise. I meet his pinky and wrap mine around his he shines his wide grin and I can't help but laugh.

"Don't let my sister down." Farkle steps closer and awkwardly places his pinky on ours. "I promise I'll do everything I can to help you both."

The bell rings and we separate Lucas and I make our way to the art room and Farkle goes to his next class. My eyes scanned the room as we walked in and I must've sighed out loud because I felt Lucas place a hand on my back. I was disappointed that she didn't even show her face in her favorite class but I was even more disappointed that Missy was gone too. Not that I was jealous or anything but if they were getting closer I guess it would bother me. We sat down and started our new assignments but my eyes kept flickering to the door hoping that those blue eyes would come in and look back at me. I can't believe she was acting like this. You think she would understand my feelings for her after all we've been through.

"I'm running out of time." I say out loud. Lucas looks over confused waiting for me to continue. "Once today is over and our break starts my chances of seeing her are going to plummet to a big 0%." I was starting to get agitated.

The bell rang releasing us to another class and I fell into my routine. Scanning the hallways I passed through and focusing on everyone around me hoping I could find her. I looked around as I turned the corner quickly bumping into the girl I had been looking for.

"Shit sorry about-," Maya started but stopped when she noticed it was me. I did the only thing I could as I saw her start to turn and I lunged forward capturing her in my arms. "Let me go Riley."

"No." I hugged her tighter feeling her soft wavy hair on my face. She smelled better then I remembered and it was intoxicating. My heart had felt so empty without her but now that she was in my arms it felt like she's what belongs there.

"Riley please." She had no emotion in her voice as she spoke to me.

"I-I can't," I feel her hand on mine and hope that she can feel the same sparks I do, "if I let you go you won't come back."

"I'm not ready to deal with this." She let out a shaky breath.

"Well I'm not ready for you to give up on us." I lean my head on her back looking down at the floor below.

"Riley..." the way my name sounds coming out of her mouth breaks my heart even more. I'm starting to believe she's serious.

"Talk to me please." I beg. The longer I kept her talking the longer I could keep her in my arms and pretend everything between us would be okay.

The sound of shoes hitting the floor was thinning out as students started to get to their classes.

"Come on Maya haven't you punished her enough it wasn't even her fault." I looked up over Maya's shoulder seeing Farkle standing in front of her with his arms crossed.

"Farkle I really don't need your input right now." She said.

"Come on Maya please forgive her for what I did." Lucas chimes in from behind us.

"You-" Maya turns harshly brushing me off in the process. "The last person I want to hear from is you."

She was fuming her hands clenched at her side. The feeling of her ripped from my arms made me remember how hollow I felt.

"Maya please," I was almost at my breaking point I was angry and sad and all those emotions were swirling together inside me.

Maya storms down the hall with the three of us in tow. She's angrily staring down at her phone typing away. It hurt me to know that during this time with her going through this she had someone to lean on. Someone who wasn't me. The sun blinds me a little as I go outside and I peer down the steps. Maya stands at the edge of the sidewalk waiting.

"Maya!" I yell hoping she'd turn around. We continued down the steps stopping once we got onto the sidewalk where she stood. A car pulled up in front of her and Missy glanced over. I could feel my blood start to boil. "Please don't get in that car."

"I'm sorry Riley."

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