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*Riley's POV*

Pros: Maya is exciting, she is mysterious, kissing her makes me feel courageous. Cons: she won't open up, she won't be honest, and hoping that this could be more than just casual making out was hoping for a lot. Being back at school with distractions didn't help me think this stuff through either. Lucas had been overwhelming me with attention and Maya had started to be distant again. I think about how tender her lips feel when they're pressed against mine and my fingers subconsciously touch my lips.

I can't be thinking this. I shake my head looking back up towards the board taking notes as my father rants on. It distracts me for a couple minutes but I can feel my thoughts being pulled back. How can I be patient with her when she hasn't made any effort to tell Farkle or anyone at all. I sigh and slump into my seat.

"Hey." There's a tap at my shoulder and I turn around facing Lucas. He smiles sweetly and I can feel my stomach turn. I still had to figure out what exactly I felt for him. If it was just attraction or if it could be something more. I felt like I owed him a chance but was that fair to Maya? Pros: He's been nothing but sweet to me, he was really really cute, we were in the same grade, and if it came to being open about us in a relationship he probably wouldn't hesitate to tell everyone. Cons: We didn't really know much about each other, there was already tension between him and my dad, he wasn't Maya. That last one wasn't fair but it was true.

"Hello." I forced a smile back biting my lip under his gaze.

"You look cute when you do that." I blushed automatically. I couldn't think of a response and I didn't have to because someone appeared between us blocking my view to Lucas. I looked upward sweetly at my overprotective father.

"Dad what are you doing." I whispered keeping a smile plastered on my face.

"Well how can I stand by and not stop this," he pointed frantically between Lucas and I "from becoming a moment!"

"I'm telling mom you're interfering with my life." I threatened watching a glint of fear appear for a second.

"My baby girl just got into high school I can't let your innocence be snatched away by him." He scowled at Lucas before crouching down to be eye level with me. Lucas just waved back offering an innocent hello. "I swear if this boy is your first kiss I'm going to go insane."

"Dad cool it if it helps I've already had-" I stopped realizing what I was about to admit.

My father's eyes went wide and Lucas had a similar expression. I stood up immediately grabbing my stuff and running out of the classroom the bell ringing as I made my escape. The crowd filled up the hallway and muffled my dad screaming my name down the hall. I quickened my steps running into someone who appeared from around the corner. They smelled sweet the first thing that popped into my mind was peaches.

"Damn Riley trying to take out my friends at school now?" I bounced back a little losing my balance but I felt a strong grip holding me steady. My eyes went from my annoying brother to her.

"Maya." I gasped out. She kept her arms on me until she knew I was okay. I could feel the lingering touch wishing she didn't let go. My heart beat rose and I suddenly felt shaky.

"I'm late for something sorry peaches." I didn't hear it until it came out of my mouth. Instantly blushing out of embarrassment. All my thoughts were mixed up all my feelings were conflicted. If I didn't know how I felt or who I was it wouldn't be fair to Maya or Lucas.

"Peaches?" Farkle whispered back to me. I pushed between the duo feeling bad about the force I used. I didn't look back but I heard her sweet voice uttering my name. Someone please send help.

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