Missy Part 1

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"Riley! Hey, Riley!" I jog up to her as she places her things into her locker.

"I can't talk right now." She slammed it shut looking towards me with her arms crossed.

"It's lunch time" I answer back feeling uncomfortable with her harsh tone.

"Yeah," She looks around at the people passing in the hall giving us weird looks I just glare back scaring them off.

"Then you have time." I was starting to get a little annoyed with her attitude.

"I actually have a project I need to work on." She gives me a fake smile and turns around walking casually away from me.

"Bullshit, stop avoiding me." It has been days since we had talked, hung out, or even kissed and it was driving me crazy. I know I haven't told Farkle I know I haven't told anyone but I just needed to figure it out first, what was the harm of sneaking make out sessions in between.

She turned around staring daggers into me. I guess there is some harm in that idea.

"Me avoid you? I've been wanting and waiting to talk, but you haven't done anything to tell Farkle have you?" Her words felt like a slap you think I'd be used to it by now hearing basically the same thing over and over again. I knew what I had to do to fix it but I was too scared to do it.

"No I haven't-," she turned around and started to walk away again but I jogged to keep up with her. "Riley! It's just not that easy okay?"

"If you're having this much trouble telling Farkle how much trouble are you going to have being open with everyone?" That made me stop and think, she was right, how was I even going to start to tell everyone else? It's not like I had any other friends but the whole school would find out and that means I'd probably have to tell my mom. Trying to get her to have a conversation was hard enough but knowing Riley she'd want to meet her. I started to feel anxious thinking about how Riley would react to knowing that there wasn't going to be a big family meeting. My mother wasn't at home most of the time and even if she was I doubt she'd even care to know what was going on in my life.

Riley stomps off and up the stairs.

"Stop wait don't leave." I could hear the begging in my voice and it made me feel weak. Maya Hart doesn't beg for anyone so why was I doing it now? Riley ignored me reaching the top and I ran after her turning the same direction she went into the empty hallway of the second floor.

"Wait." I grab her wrist and pull her into an empty classroom. "Will you just hear me out?"

"I don't know Maya," she tried to push past me towards the closed door, "I want more from this," Riley points between the both of us. "I want a relationship."

"A relationship?" My eyes go wide and I feel my heart beat faster. A relationship is what I wanted and now that I know Riley wants that too why was I freaking out?

"Yes, a relationship," Riley adjusts her backpack strap hanging onto her shoulder, "me and someone else who isn't afraid to be with me."

"I'm not afraid." I whisper out.

"Are you sure?" She bit out sarcastically.

"I don't know Riley!" I yell scaring her a little bit. "I'm trying and if you can't see that then maybe you need to find someone else." My fists ball up and I feel my emotions building up with anger.

"You mean that?" Her voice was quiet and her eyes were cold.

"Maybe I do."

"Fine!" Riley yelled pushing me away from the door.

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