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I couldn't risk knocking I wanted to see her but I couldn't think of a lie to tell Farkle if he was the one to open the door. Was I making this more difficult? Maybe, but I couldn't make Farkle suspicious. Grabbing onto the cool metal I pulled myself up onto the emergency ladder. Making my way up to the second level I'm relieved when I look though the window and Riley is sitting there. Before I felt like too much of a creep I knocked softly grabbing her attention. She smiled and looked surprised but laughed it off. I pulled the window open and climbed in.

"This might sound crazy but I need your help with something I'm working on," I walk over closer to her sitting on the bed. "Don't say anything though just nod yes or no."

Her forehead wrinkled as her eyebrows scrunched together but she nodded in understanding. Perfect. I can do this.

"This stupid English assignment is the only thing keeping me from failing," I confess.

"What you're only a couple weeks in-"

"I said no talking this is embarrassing enough." And it was embarrassing that I could be doing this terribly right from the beginning but it wasn't my fault I didn't have anyone to help. But that's not why I was here. Focus. Here goes nothing. I felt my throat go dry as I opened a small black journal I was carrying in my pocket.

"The assignment was to write what attracts you in any type of writing from." My eyes glued down onto the open page. No stopping now I just needed to keep going. "I decided to write a poem. As vulnerable as it makes me feel it came to my mind immediately."

"So here I go" I'm shifting my weight from foot to foot I've never been so nervous before I had to pull myself together. I needed her to know that she's the thing that attracts me the most she's the one person I find my thoughts being drawn to. I look up to her and she nods with a huge grin on her face.

"I can't do this" I close the journal fidgeting with it in my hands trying to decide between trying again or just putting it into my pocket and leaving. Her smile and dimple disappear and as she begins to nod her head no furiously. Riley looked undeniably cute at the moment her arms crossed shaking her head like a stubborn child not getting their way.

I let out a deep breathe staring at her. Let's try again. I pulled her off the bed and sat her down at the bay window she looked up at me and grabbed my hand pulling me softly to sit beside her. I pulled my feet up to my chest and turned so that my back was facing her. I felt Riley copying my position with her back resting against mine.

"This is a little better," I laughed letting out my nerves. Closing my eyes I spoke from memory I didn't need the journal in front of me to remember the words I wrote. When I wrote them I knew they were meant for Riley.

"What attracts me?," I can do this.

"The color brown consumes me
Like the aroma of coffee
I'm losing my breath
I'm drowning
In two perfect pools
Mirroring back my reflection
I can see myself dazed
Dazed by the beauty in front of me
Dazed by the feelings sparked when I'm near you
I want to get lost in what attracts me the most
I want to experience what attracts me the

"I'm sorry I have to talk Maya-" she starts but I get up scared of what her reaction would be.

"I have to go I just wanted to get your input I felt like if I asked Farkle he'd just tease me," I backed away slowly forgetting where I had entered the house from. I made my way to her door.

"I think we should talk," her voice sounded disappointed but I wasn't ready I thought I was but this was it the final answer. One word and she could break me and I was dumb for letting myself get this caught up. I was dumb for letting these feelings seep in.

"I'm sorry." I twist the doorknob and slid out as quick as I can closing the door again. My back was leaned against the closed door everything caught up with me how warm my face felt how fast my heart was pounding I'm surprised I was able to hear what she was saying. My hands shook in front of me I felt like a nervous wreak.

"Hey, how'd you get in?" Farkle appeared at the top of the steps scaring the hell out of me. I jumped a little turning to face him with wide eyes and an even faster beating heart.

"You scared the fuck out of me." I tried to calm myself but what would this look like to him? Me being suspicious as hell.

"Guilty about something?" His eyebrow raised in curiosity, "You aren't getting cozy with my sister are you?" He smirked an evil glare in his eyes.

I couldn't do anything to stop my jaw from dropping. I couldn't look him in the eyes and my eyes knew that as the shot down to the carpet. His laughter break the tension between us as I risk looking back up.

"Maya I'm joking! Obviously you'd never go for someone like my sister," His laughter got louder as he held his sides like they were in pain from laughing so much. "You've been acting so tense lately. Maybe someone needs to get laid."

Should I feel terrible because the first thing that flashed into my mind was the girl with the coffee eyes. His little sister. The girl who I never paid any attention to before she started going to school with us. I never knew how sweet she could be, I never knew she could spark these feelings in me. It scared the hell out of me but I had to accept it now that Riley knew.

Two in one day I really wanted to get these chapters out and the story going. It's about to get good so buckle up hopefully you enjoyed these chapters and I hope you'll enjoy these next couple. Thanks for the support and feedback I appreciate all of you reading. I already have another idea for a story which I'm really excited for but so far I've just been writing my ideas down.

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