Night Time Visitor

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The sound of snoring will the room, indicating that the person inside was asleep. Finally he's asleep Astral thought to himself as he looked down at Yuma who was passed out. I can proceed to the last task of the day the light being thought as he floated out of Yuma's bedroom window.

Y/n looked at the digital clock next to her bed. 11:45, it's almost midnight where is he y/n thought to herself as she stared out the window of her bedroom. Her parents where out of town on a business trip with meant she was alone in the house. Y/n could see Astral as she regarded herself as good friends with Yuma and Tori. The e/c girl reflected on all the times she had spoke to the inter-dimensional being. This lead to her developing a little crush on him. Y/n had asked Astral to meet her in her bedroom today after Yuma fell asleep. She stay up waiting for her good friend.

Astral dove towards her window and knocked on it. Y/n face lit up as she opened it and greeted the being with a smile on her face. "You came" y/n exclaimed. "I wouldn't miss it for the world" Astral replied floating inside.

You sat up on your bed and Astral sat next to you. You were wearing a white low cut nightgown which showed off some cleavage. Astral looked at your frame and blushed intensely.

"A-are you cold?" he asked glancing down at your assets. 

"No why?" you fired back. Y/n caught where Astral's eyes were going. "Hey I didn't think you were that dirty" you exclaimed pulling up your nightgown.

"No it's not like" Astral struggled to explain; being embarrassed he blushed harder. Y/n let out a sigh. "That's fine I forgive you" she told him.

"So how was your day today" Astral asked trying to shift topics. "It was normal and boring as usual" y/n responded dryly. "Am I boring to you?" Astral asked with curiosity. "No you are actually the highlight of my day. The thing I look forward to the most" y/n confessed.

"Is that so" the light being said quietly. He inched closer to her. This made both of you blush. 

"Look I-I kinda like you" y/n told him looking down at your feet, feeling to nervous to look Astral in the eye. Maybe he does not feel the same she though to herself. 

"As do I" Astral replied to your surprise. "I garner romantic feelings towards" the being also confessed.

He placed his nimble fingers on your chin causing you to shift your gaze towards his. You stared into his gold and white eye, seeing the beauty within. It did not take long for him to lean in and place his lips on yours. The two of you made out for what seemed like an eternity before coming up for air.

Blushing, Astral looked straight into your e/c orbs and whispers "I love you".

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