Wide Awake (Belowski x Male Reader)

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"Ah just go to sleep already" Y/n yelled at himself while pulling at his hair and slapping himself in the face.

This racket caught the attention of one particular boy. This boy got up and traveled to the back to the Obelisk Blue dorm where he discovered someone there.

"Sleep sleep sleep" Y/n screeched while placing he placed his face in the palms of his hands.

"Hey are you alright?" the boy asked stepping forward. "I can't sleep" Y/n exclaimed with tears in his eyes. The dark haired boy looked down on Y/n with a frown on his face.

"Do you feel a bit drowsy around me?" he asked. "N-no" Y/n stuttered lifting his gaze. "Hey aren't you Belowski?!" Y/n realized. "Yup and I could try and help you" Belowski offered Y/n.

"Really" Y/n said with an intrigued voice. Belowski nodded, helping Y'n up to his feet. "Lets go on a walk" Belowski suggested.

Y/n went along with it. Belowski talked and talk to try and cause Y/n to fall asleep, but nothing worked. The two had reached a cliff located on the Academy. The two boys sat down on the ledge and starred off into the cold night sky.

"Usually people around me would have fallen asleep, but you did not" Belowski realized. "Is that bad?" Y/n asked a bit worried.

"No not at all" the scrawny boy replied. "To be honest, it gets lonely when everyone falls asleep around me" Belowski told Y/n. "But now I have found someone to talk to, someone who won't fall asleep" he said with a grin on his face.

"But I just want to sleep" Y/n snapped feeling insecure. Belowski placed his hand on Y/n head and began to play with his h/c hair. This calmed Y/n's feelings down. While doing so, Belowski's heart swelled with emotion.

"I guess I can be your friend" Y/n told Belowski. Finally someone who will support me Y/n thought to himself while resting his head on Belowski's shoulder. Y/n's thoughts were now crowded by this boy.

"By the way I never got your name?" Belowski asked. "Oh yeah, my name is Y/n" the s/c boy replied. "That's a nice name" Belowski complimented him.

What is this feeling Y/n thought to himself as he filled up with warmth. This was also occurring in Belowski. Is this what a crush feels like Belowski's thoughts echoed through his mind. Belowski rested his head on top of Y/n head which was resting on his shoulder.

"Listen I really enjoy your company" Y/n confessed. "You are the first person to actually comfort me and I thank you for that" he added. Belowski smiled up at Y/n. "No problem man" he responded.

"Oh yeah one more thing" Belowski said. "Yeah what?" Y/n inquired. Belowski simply smirked before placing a kiss on Y/n's forehead. The two of you blushed and smiled at each other.

I guess they were destined too meet at this particular time that they did. The boy who made those around fall fast asleep and the boy who was always wide awake.

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