Blood Red Heart (Yuri x Female Reader)

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A female student was walking next to a male student, on their way home after a long day at Duel Academy. Both of them lived in the same apartment complex so they often walked home together.

"Hey Y/n let's take the back ally. It's faster to get to the apartment" F/n said.

"Sure why not" Y/n replied with a sweet smile, making F/n blush. The two headed towards the back ally, leading towards the apartment. just then the sound of a twig snapping caught Y/n's attention. She flicked her head behind her and gazed around.

"Something wrong?" F/n asked the girl. Y/n simply shook her head.

"No I guess it was nothing" the girl spoke quietly. The two shrugged it off and walked even further down the gravel paved ally. Moment's later a figure came darting towards them from behind and struck down the male. The person punched and kick her friend while the girl stood there with a shocked expression on her face. She quickly turned around and ran.

"Where do you think your going" snickered a voice. The attacker then raced after Y/n, grabbing her wrist then bringing her into a choke hold. He placed his hand over her mouth so she could not scream.

"Don't try running" he spoke. Y/n shifted her head slightly to see the attacker's face. She realized it was Yuri from Duel Academy. However F/n was not finished yet. he made an attempt to rise to his feet.

"Let her go" F/n mumbled horsey staring into Y/n frightened eyes.

"I see your not done yet. You want some more pain don't you" Yuri muttered sadistically as he kicked F/n to the ground, drawing blood. Then Yuri picked the male up by the collar, blood soaking his hand as he threw him against the hard ground. The fair skinned boy then turned to the female.

"What shall I do with you. Maybe punishment for running away from me" he snapped. Y/n's eyes began to swell up as she feared that this could be the end. Suddenly Yuri released her from the choke hold then immediately forced his lips onto her's. The h/c female was shocked and did not kiss back. Yuri then pulled away from her.

"What's wrong love; don't like me, because I like you. My heart swells with love whenever I'm near you. That is why I attacked you friend. I couldn't stand seeing you with another man" Yuri spoke in a shallow tone. He rested his blood soaked hand on her cheek. Y/n shuttered, but kept her composure.

"I-I" the s/c girl stuttered, struggling to find the right words to say. Yuri then pressed a finger to his lips, smearing them with blood.

"Shh, everything will be just fine" Yuri lulled. He then leaned in and licked the blood on Y/n's lips. At this point Yuri was blushing. The purple haired boy then kissed her once more. He slipped his tongue into her mouth, dominating over her. A muffled moan escaped the girl's mouth as they kissed. Soon after the two pulled apart, blood on both of their lips.

"You are mine, all mine you got that" Yuri hissed as he licked his lips. Y/n looked down, not wanting to meet the person's cold gaze. Yuri propped her chin up, gazing into Y/n's e/c orbs. The girl then nodded in submission.

"Yes, I will belong to you" Y/n whispered as a slight smile carved it's way onto her face, feeling something she had never felt before. Her heart was pounding and cheeks turning bright red. Yuri smiled and the two hugged each other.

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