Fancy Party (Pegasus x Female Reader)

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"Ugh this is so boring" y/n muttered to herself while standing next to a table with a bunch of exquisite food.

Your father was a well known and successful business man and he figured that he should attend the some fancy business party and bring his only daughter along. The only worth while topic on your mind was the host. The man who hosted this party caught your attention when you met before as kids. Now your all grown up.

"Care for some chocolate covered densuke watermelon" a butler offered with a shiny platter of the food. "No thank you" y/n politely turned him down. The butler dipped his head and turned around to offer food to other guests. Y/n turned her head and spotted her father chatting with another man.

Y/n grabbed a mochi covered in gold flakes and ate it before spotting a balcony. Feeling bored she walked up at the balcony.

She pushed her curled h/c hair out of her face as she starred off into the night sky. It seemed she was in a trance, lost in her thoughts before something snapped her out of then.

"Good evening madam" a voice called huskily. This caused y/n to turn around quickly. The wind from this brushed her low cut red dress upward which showed a small part of the lace pink panties she was wearing. This caused the man to blush and match the same colour as he undergarment.

"I'm so sorry if I startled you" he apologized stepping forward. Y/n eyes widen, realizing who this man was.

"Pegasus is that you?" y/n asked in quite some shock. The silver haired man nodded standing next to her. They were the only people on this balcony. Y/n placed her hands on her face as she tried to cover up her obvious blush that dusted her cheeks.

"Something wrong?" Pegasus inquired looking at her. Y/n couldn't muster up enough courage to face the man she had had a crush on. Pegasus reached over she gripped her wrists pulling them away from her face. "You are a very beautiful girl you know that" the man remarked, holding her hand.

"You really think so?" y/n asked a bit surprised as she felt calmer around him now. "Yes" Pegasus told her intertwining his fingers with hers.

At this point, the two of you were blushing madly. The silver haired man pulled y/n in and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. This caused you to blush and look passionately in his eyes.

Seconds later, the two leaned in and began to kiss. Pegasus placed his hands around your waist as the two of you kissed. Letting go Pegasus stared into her e/c orbs.

"That was my first kiss" y/n whispered softly to the man. "Well I am honored to claim that from you" Pegasus replied quietly. The two gazed into each others eyes before kissing once more.

This fancy party wasn't that boring after all. I hope that there are more of these fancy parties in the future. These thoughts filled y/n mind as she relished the kiss between her first love.

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