Bloody Cuts (Vector x Female Reader) #2

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Warning: This chapter contain suicidal content and may seem triggering. Click out if you do not wish to read. Anyways enjoy the story I wrote for you.

"Just leave me alone" Vector yelled as he slammed the door in front of Shark. " I was just changing your food tray" Shark said with a sigh.


It had been a few days since Yuma and Astral had defeated Don Thousand and the former Barian's were free. Shark pitying Vector took him in and offered the ginger haired boy shelter and food, but things seemed off with him. Vector had not eaten in three days and had not come out of his room. There were times when Shark and Rio heard screaming and crying, but whenever they wanted to help, Vector pushed them aside.

(End of flashback)

Shark sighed as he carried the untouched tray of food back to the kitchen. Shark and Rio would deliver food twice a day to Vector, but he did not eat any of it.

"He didn't eat it" Rio exclaimed looking down at the empty tray. 

"No" Shark responded. "I really do worry about his well being" the purple haired boy spoke. "What can we do?" Shark said in frustration. 

Rio looked down trying to think. She looked up "oh I know who can help" the blue haired girl spouted as she pulled out her cellphone.

Ring ring ring your phone sang as you picked it up. "Hello" y/n answered. "Hey y/n can you come to my now...I need help with something" Rio said. "Sure I'll be there soon" y/n replied as she sprang to her feet and sprinted out the door.

About ten minutes passed and Rio heard a knock at the door. "She's here" Rio chimed as her and her brother answered the door. 

"Hey so what do you need help with?" y/n asked stepping inside. "You remember Vector right?" Shark asked her.

The h/c girl nodded her head. "Well he hadn't been eating and we have been hearing screaming and crying from his room. I know you two were close, I was hoping you could get through to him" Rio explained seeming worried about their former comrade. "Well I can give it a shot" y/n retorted.

"This way" Shark lead y/n and Rio towards the room Vector was staying in. "We'll stay outside in case you need us" Rio told y/n. The e/c girl nodded as she looked at the door.

"I'm coming in" she said walking into the room and closing the door behind her. The very moment she stepped into the room

blood in the floor greeted her.

She gasped placing her hand over her mouth as she tried to silence her cries. Panic and worry filled her thoughts. Y/n scanned the room until you came across a cut arm dangling from the bed. Y/n rushed over to what seemed like a limp body part. She reached her hand towards Vector's to try and hold it but he slipped the seemingly limp arm away from her grasp. Feeling anxious y/n pulled the covered off of the bed reveling something shocking. A starved version of Vector was lying on the bed bloody paring knife on the pillow and several cuts across his arm.

"Vector what happened? Are you ok?" y/n frantically asked as she ran her hand through his cold cheek. "Y/n is that you?" a raspy voice filled her ear. "Yes I'm here" y/n replied softly as she placed a kiss upon Vector's forehead.

"Just let me die" Vector said dryly. "What no...I can't" y/n exclaimed. "I want to die" Vector screamed and grabbed the paring knife and slid it across his arm drawing more blood. "Please stop" y/n pleaded gripping his wrists. "Get away" Vector hissed kicking the girl in the stomach. This caused you to cough and fall back to the side of the bed. Vector stared into your e/c orbs intently. He's gone insane she thought to herself getting up.

Y/n quietly and carefully made her way to Vector approaching him from behind. She placed her hand on his shoulder and trailed up to his neck. Y/n snaked her other hand toward the hand with the paring knife and grabbed he wrist. Her hand slithered from his neck to his chin. She looked into his deep purple eyes before pressing her lips on his. As the two kissed her fingers were able to pry his fingers away from the paring knife causing it to fall to the ground. Their tongues swirled together as both of them where caught in the moment. Time passed the the two broke away for air.

"Y/n" Vector said softly. Y/n nodded and placed Vector's head on her lap and began to stoke his ginger hair. 

"Your not alone. I will stay by your side if I must" y/n told the boy, calming him down. The s/c female then placed her lips on his bloody arm and began to kiss it. Of course, blood appeared on her lips making them red. Vector sat up looking into her e/c orbs. They leaned in and kissed one more time. Vector's own blood was passed to him, both tasting it. Vector embraced y/n getting blood all over her. This did not bother the girl, she trusted Vector. They both came up for air momentarily. "Will you allow me to help you get better?" y/n asked the boy. Vector nodded as a sign of agreement towards the offer. The two then leaned in and began to kiss once more, feeling the moment.

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