Ruins To Explore (Dumon x Female Reader)

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"Hey come on, it'll be fun" spoke a silver haired boy.

"No,  wait what if there are bats, or spiders" squealed a young female.

"It's just some ruins I'd like to show you. I went in here previously and there are no bats, spiders, snakes, scorpions or rats" he told her. Y/n lifted her head at look at him more sternly.

"You promise you will protect me" she asked him. Dumon looked down at her with gentle sky blue eyes.

"I promise" he replied softly before grabbing her hand and leading her down into the ruins. Dumon grabbed a flashlight from his pocket, waving it around the crumbled place. Y/n looked around the darkened place, eyes widened. Just then she accidentally tripped on a plant root causing her to jump.

"I think I just stepped on a rat's tail" she screamed and gripped Dumon's hand tighter, making him blush. he pointed the flashlight downwards to reveal a root.

"Oh my bad" Y/n said with a sigh of relief.

"See your fine" Dumon said to Y/n before walking deeper down the tunnel. The fair skinned down waved his flashlight around, looking at the decaying building. Finally, Dumon located a the room he had wanted to show her.

"This is what I wanted to show you" admitted the silver haired boy. He pointed the flashlight to a load of carving on the cracked walls.

"What is this" the girl asked while looking at the art.

"These are the ruins of the pegasus and his master, the knight. The carving tell the whole story" Dumon explained to Y/n.

"Really" she exclaimed while placing a hand on the carving of the silver knight. Dumon nodded while looking at the same scene where she placed her hand.

"That scene is when the pegasus first met the knight" Dumon explained while he placed his hand over hers, underneath the carving of the knight. y/n began to blush as her fear and anxiety for the creatures in the dark faded away. Dumon grabbed her hand and brought it down from the carving.

"This is my favorite scene" he said pulling her across the room.

"It is where the knight chooses to perish by the pegasus's side" Dumon explained to her. The young male then intertwined his fingers with hers. Y/n felt this and responded by holding him tight; feeling her cheeks shift from pale to pink.

"Why do you like it so much" Y/n asked kindly.

"I like it because it defines the relationship between the knight and the pegasus" Dumon told her while looking into her e/c eyes.

"I wish we could have a relationship that is as strong as theirs, maybe even something more" he confessed while blushing. Y/n blushed as well and took hold of Dumon's other hand which made him drop his flashlight. There was a click and the flashlight turned off when it hit the ground. It was pitch black in the room.

"What are you-" Dumon asked the h/c girl while trying to look around in the darkness.

"Don't be scared, looks like I'll be the one protecting you" Y/n whispered before she pecked his lips. Dumon was a bit surprised then landed a kiss on her forehead.

"Isn't this the kind of relationship you wanted?" Y/n asked in a soft voice.

"It truly is" Dumon responded before kissing Y/n passionately on the lips. The tall boy snaked slender his arm around the beautiful girl's waist as they stood there kissing in the dark, not afraid of anything inside the ruins that they had just explored.

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