Flower Field (Nasch x Female Reader)

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A cool breeze passed, flowers dancing to the tune of the wind. A girl sat in the field alone, staring up at the crystal clear blue sky. The clouds swam across as they passed over the shining sun.

"It's so quiet" the girl said to herself enjoying the serenity of the moment. She ran her slender fingers through the long grass that covered the field and loved the sweet smell of the several hundred flowers that surrounded her. The girl closed her tired eyes and relaxed. It did not take long for the girl to dose off; drifting into sleep.

"Hey,hey, wake up already" shouted a voice of a young male as Y/n felt a rocking sensation. Her eyes quickly sprang open to see the face a handsome male looking down at her.

"Wh-what happened?" she muttered sitting up and rubbing her eyes. 

"You dosed off again" the boy explained. Her senses snapped, realizing that this was her crush speaking. A light blush had found a way to sneak it's way to her bright cheeks.

"Are you mad at he?" Y/n asked a bit worried. "No why would I?" Nasch fired back. "I uh...just" she began. "It's fine" Nasch said with a sigh.

"So what are you doing here?" Y/n asked Nasch. "I just came to check on you since you were gone for so long" Nasch responded. "Were you worried about me?" Y/n asked teasingly.

Nasch's face turned bright red. 

"No not at all" he snapped lightly at her. Y/n simply chuckled at how embarrassed he had gotten. "But if something happened, I would go looking for you anyway" he told her. 

"Oh, well that's reassuring" Y/n retorted.

Nasch sat next to Y/n, a bit too close for comfort which caused Y/n to blush even harder. "Something wrong?" Nasch asked seeing that Y/n was looking a bit uncomfortable. 

"N-no it's nothing" Y/n replied a bit flustered. She's cute when she's flustered Nasch thought to himself, fueling his feelings toward her.

"Hey since we are alone there is something I gotta tell you" Nasch started. "Yeah alright let's here it" Y/n replied with some interest in what he had to say.

"Well the truth is..." he began, feeling a bit shy about the topic.

 "I have had feelings for you since we were kids" Nasch confessed. "I would really like it if-" Nasch was cut off by Y/n who placed a kiss on his cheek. 

"I have feelings for you too" Y/n admitted. Nasch and Y/n blushed madly.

The two leaned towards each other and locked lips. Y/n slid her tongue into his mouth trying to gain the upper hand, but Nasch fought back claiming dominance. After the two enjoyed their first kiss together, they came up for air. Nasch looked lovingly into Y/n's e/c orbs. Nasch reached over to his side and picked a pink rose.

"Be my girlfriend?" he asked Y/n. "Yes I will" Y/n replied with a soft smile on her face. Nasch then placed the rose in Y/n's h/c hair. "You look beautiful" Nasch remarked.

"Aww thank you" y/n added blushing even more. A gentle breeze traveled through the field touching the petals the outside floral. The two lovers then leaned in and enjoyed another kiss, surrounded by wonderful flowers.

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