More Sweet Than Cheesecake (Shay x Female Reader)

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There was a silent breeze, whisking past and touching the hair of a girl standing in front of the coffee shop. She glanced down at her phone.

"Tch he's late" she mumbled at herself while turning her head to look around. 

"I wonder where he could be" the girl muttered to herself while peaking her head out of a street corner. However, she could not spot the person she hoped to see. With a sigh, she went back to her phone as a way to pass the time until he showed up. A few minutes had passed and the sound of running caught her her attention. She quickly turned her phone off and looked up. A dark haired male bounded straight for the girl.

"Sorry I'm late Y/n" apologized the young male.

"Where were you Shay, Iv'e been waiting here for 10 minutes. You know it's rude to keep your lover waiting" Y/n asked in a dry voice. 

"Well you see, I was just caught up in another duel" Shay explained to the girl.

"Against who?" she inquired further.

"Yuya" he replied. "It was a draw by the way" Shay added.

"Oh well, you must be hungry right now after the duel and all" Y/n spouted, feeling a bit nervous. Shay nodded and opened the door to the coffee shop for her. Y/n smiled at the kind gesture and walked in. The couple sat down a table next to the window. Moments later a waiter walked by. The physical appearance of the waiter caught Y/n attention, making her head turn. Shay noticed this and frowned.

"Good afternoon, what can I get you" the waiter spoke.

"I'll get a (drink)" Y/n told him.

"I'll a slice of your signature strawberry cheesecake" Shay told the waiter. The waiter smiled at the two before walking back with their order. As the waiter walked, Y/n eyes seemed to follow and Shay noticed this right away. 

"So what's up" he snapped at Y/n making her head turn. 

"What's what?" the h/c girl asked, a bit confused.

"I saw the way you looked at him" accused the tall male.

"What of it" Y/n shrugged.

"What of it" Shay repeated. "Do you think he is better looking than me" Shay spouted, feeling jealous. 

"I never-" Y/n started before saying something different. "He just caught my eye, it's nothing serious" she reassured the amber eyed boy. Y/n placed her hand over Shay's hand while looking him in the eye.

"I'm sorry about this" Y/n said in a soft voice. Shay simply let out a sigh they intertwined his fingers with hers.

"Yeah that's alright. I guess I over reacted" admitted the young male. Y/n smiled and blushed a bit. Suddenly the waiter made his way over to the table with their order. 

"A (drinks) and a strawberry cheesecake" the waiter repeated while placing their items on the table. 

"Thanks" Shay said while paying for the food. The waiter smiled before walking back. Y/n took a sip out of her drink. Shay took a bite out of the cheesecake. 

"Is it good?" young female asked. Shay nodded and cut a slice with his spoon.

"Here try some" he offered, holding the spoon. Y/n leaned forward and took the piece.

"Wow it really is sweet" Y/n realized, tasting the cheesecake. The dark haired boy smiled and blushed seeing he could make his lover remotely happy.

"Do you know what else is sweeter than this cake" Shay began.

"What?" Y/n answered, her face blushing. 

"You" Shay whispered in her ear before kissing on the lips. Shay and Y/n where so caught up in the moment that they did not notice Yuya taking pictures of them from outside the coffee shop window.

"I love you so much" Shay told Y/n after pulling apart. "I love you too" Y/n responded with a sweet voice, sweeter than the strawberry cheesecake the couple ate.

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