The Walk Home (Akira x Female Reader)

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Akira grabbed his briefcase and headed out of the building. It was late at night and he had finished a full day of work, hacking onto computer programs which exhausted him. Looking forward, Akira did not pay attention to his surroundings behind him because we too tired to care.

Footsteps from behind his back failed to capture his attention as he kept on walking home.

 "Hey there" Y/n cooed behind his ear. This made Akira jump a bit and whisk back. The man stared down at the girl who had scared him.

"What are you doing here?" Akira asked Y/n. "Oh nothing important" Y/n responded. "Mind if I walk with you?" she asked politely.

"Sure why not" Akira replied allowing this. A slight blush crept along Akira's face, fore he had developed feelings for this sweet girl. She reminded him of Aoi; his beloved sister.

"So how was work today?" Y/n asked Akira. 

"It was normal, nothing special happened" the blue haired boy replied as he let out a sigh.

 "Well that means there wasn't any trouble which is good isn't it?" Y/n said in a witty nature. "Yeah I guess" an exhausted Akira replied.

"So where are we going" Y/n inquired. "I'm going home, but you can come over for a while" Akira offered. "Ok sounds like fun" Y/n chimed with a cute smile on her face, making Akira blush even more.

Y/n's hand inched closer to Akira's. Their finger touched for a few moments before Y/n looked up at Akira with doll like e/c eyes. 

"Mind if I-" she started. "Sure" Akira said intertwining his finger with hers. Both of them blushed as they held hands. It seems like the two future lovers had feelings for each other.

"Akira listen I kinda-" Akira placed a finger on Y/n lips silencing her. 

"I feel the same way" the blue haired boy admitted, feeling emotion rush through his body. 

Y/n blushed and looked lovingly into his coral eyes. Akira did not pay attention and soon realized that they had arrived at his place.

"We're here" Akira told Y/n as he reached into his pocket and took out his keys to unlock the door. 

"Now I know where you live" Y/n sneered. Akira shrugged it off before closing the door after her. He placed his briefcase on the counter.

"What now?" Y/n asked softly. 

"Let me show you" Akira replied with lust in his voice. He pressed Y/n up against a wall and began to shower her neck with butterfly kisses. Y/n moaned softly, allowing him to do so. Akira made his way from her neck to her lips. The man then smashed his lips onto her's, enjoying this amazing kiss together. Breaking apart for air, Y/n looked passionately into Akira's pastel purple eyes.

"I love you" she whispered. "I love you too" Akira said back before they proceeded to his once more.

After the two broke apart for a second time, Akira swept Y/n off of her feet. "What are you doing?" she implored, a little bit anxious.

 "You'll see" Akira replied huskily as he carried her towards his own bedroom.

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