Dealing With Guilt (Quattro x Female Reader)

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You have not heard from your dear friend in several weeks. Worry crept up on your mind, so much that you decided to visit him. You secretly hoped he was alright.

"Hey Quattro it's Y/n I'm coming over" she spoke into her phone before hanging up. I just hope he receives the message she thought to herself.

The message spoke from Quattro's phone as he lay in his bed, covering his head in the bed sheets.

Y/n approached the door to his place. 

"I wonder" she began as she turned the knob on the door. It was unlocked which was rather strange since he was usually isolated. Y/n entered the house and looked around. Quattro's shoes were by the door which proved he was home.

"Quattro, Quattro" Y/n called, but to no avail. She walked around and made her way towards the living room. His dueling deck was stacked on the coffee table. She glanced over at this and proceeded to explore the rest of the house. It was until she reached his bedroom, she found him.

"Quattro what's going on?" Y/n inquired as she walked up to the bed.

"Just leave me alone" the dark haired boy retorted burying him in his covers. "Just leave me and my guilt alone" he yelled. Y/n looked at him with worrying eyes.

"It's ok to talk about it sometimes" the girl said. She yanked the covers away from Quattro's face which revealed a tired looking teenager. Quattro did not bother to fight back as he felt useless in this state. Y/n ran her slender s/c finger's through his soft blonde and brown hair. This motion was soothing to Quattro and prompted him to sit up.

"Want to talk" Y/n offered once more. Quattro looked at the charming girl before he let out a sigh and nodded.

"I still feel horrible for what I did to Yuma, Shark and Rio" the boy began. 

"The guilt of my actions is overwhelming me...and I just can't take it" Quattro raised his voice with tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

"I know what you did to them was unforgivable, but you are a changed person now" Y/n argued with Quattro. "I know you are capable of good things" she said.

Y/n cupped the boy's face and brought it closer to her's. Quattro's checks dusted with a light shade of pink, and so did Y/n's.

"Look I may not be able to change the past" the girl began. "However I can make the future a bit better for you" she whispered softly, hoping he would ease up for a slightest bit. Y/n looked passionately into Quattro's magenta eyes.

Y/n leaned in close and forced her lips onto his. This came as a shock to Quattro, but he did not care much about it. The boy then wrapped one hand around her waist and the other dug into her h/c hair. Their tongues battled for dominance until Y/n won. Quattro got annoyed by this and pushed her down on the bed. Y/n smiled as she saw he was feeling better. Quattro smashed his lips into hers, winning the battle for dominance. Moments later the two come up for air.

"Do you feel better?" Y/n asked sheepishly. Quattro looked at her with forgiving eyes.

"Yes, this helped me deal with my guilt" Quattro replied before kissing her again

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