Time With Me (Yuto x Female Reader)

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It was peaceful and sunny afternoon. A girl made her way from her bedroom to the living room. 

"What a nice day"the girl commented. 

She sat down on the couch and opened up her favorite novel. She opened it up and began reading where she left off. Minutes passed and she became buried in her book. The girl was nearing the juicy climax of the story when all of a sudden the sound of footsteps caught her ears. The girl lifted her head at see her lover walk into the room.

"Hey Y/n would you put down that boring book already" he said to her while sitting down on the couch.

"No I'm just getting to the good part. Wait a few minutes Yuto" Y/n retorted while going back to her book. It only took a few moments before Yuto became annoyed that she was paying more attention to the book than him. The purple haired boy reached over and swiped the book from her arms.

"Give it back" Y/n yelled while trying to take it from Yuto's hand.

"No" Yuto snapped back to her. The male then stood up and walked over to the kitchen counter where he placed the book, out of her reach.

"Now you can spend some time with me without getting distracted" Yuto explained as he sat back down on the couch. Y/n had a sour look on her face.

"Aww darling don't look so sad" Yuto cooed while placing and arm around her shoulder.

"I know what can cheer you up" chimed the boy.

"Giving my book back" Y/n muttered sarcastically. Yuto simply chuckled and looked at her.

"Something better than that silly book" he responded. Yuto then used the other hand that was not around her shoulder to move her chin so that they could see each other face to face. Yuto gazed into Y/n's e/c orbs while Y/n gazed into Yuto's violet orbs. A slight dusting of pink snuck it's way onto both their cheeks. 

"Ready" Yuto whispered in a soft voice. Y/n nodded slightly, Yuto's hand still on her chin. The two leaned in and kissed each other. Yuto's tongue snuck into the mouth of the female. She retaliated by kissing him back harder. However it was not hard enough as he pinned her down on the couch. Moments passed and the two broke away, gasping for air. By now both of their faces were bright red, full of emotion.

"See what did I tell you. Wasn't this better than reading that silly book" Yuto asked, awaiting an answer.

"Yes this was better in a way" Y/n replied to his comment.

"What do you mean in a way?" Yuto rebounded.

"I never experienced this much emotion in one moment. I guess it made me realize that I should value the time with you" Y/n told him. This made Yuto smile, hearing those words.

"There's one more thing" Yuto added.

"Yeah, what" she said.

"I love you so much" Yuto cooed while placing a kiss on her cheek making the h/c girl's blush glow intensively. 

"I love you too" Y/n replied to his sweet comment while cuddled up to her favorite person.

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