Chapter 1

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On the midst of summer, the school bell rings, and our break (recess) has begun...

"Mika!" A girl touched my shoulders.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What kind of First Kiss do you want?" my friend, Lorriet asked me.

"Ehh?! Kiss?!" I got surprised by her quesion "Do you really need to know?"

"Yep" Lorriet nodded excitedly, wanting to know my answer. "I'm asking everyone anyways."

"Okay...I'd really like to have my first kiss in an Amusement Park, I want him to be super Smart and Cool-looking, I just want him to be the kindest BF ever" I answered her utterly suprising question.

"Wow! How romantic, thanks Mika" Lorriet said when she went back to her seat.


Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Mika Freinz, I am currently 12 years old (6th year in elementary), I'm neither a kid or a woman, I'm in my Teen adolescence. I-

"Ahahahhaha!!" Kyoske (aka Kyo) Fernandez, our so-called "Prince Charming" in our class, laughed.

Kyo maybe Good-Looking, but to me he's just a Stubborn, Stupid, Air-headed, Bully freak.

"What type of Kiss?! Haha, you have got to be kidding me!" Kyo burst into tears "You don't even have a Boyfriend, Mi-kun" ("kun" is a Japanese Honorific used for Boys)

"In the future I wil!" I pouted "Stop calling me "Mi-kun" i'm not a Boy!"

"Wehh? You aren't even a Girl!" Kyo smirked.

Urghh!! I want to punch that Good-looking face, and rip his Black hair!

"Everyone!" Joushi, our class joker shouted as he was waving his hand. "The voting is finally done!"

We normally do Votings everyweek.

"Ehhhhh?!" almost all of the girls complained. "We haven't even voted yet!"

"Let us girls vote or else..." I warned Joushi clenching fist, and he just sticked his tongue out at me. Hmph! the nerves of this Guy.

"Okay..." Joushi cleared his throat. " for the Best female classmate is *dun* *dun*! Dianne!!"

"Her again." I murmured.

"Hey Kyo~ What do I do? Did you vote for me?~ " Dianne as always flirting with Kyo, and twirling her blond hair.

"I didn't even vote." Kyo answered.

"Aww... too Bad" Dianne pouted.

"..And as for the Worst female student.." Joushi continued, reading the paper.

"Stop it!" I tried to reach out to the Voting Paper.

"Blehh" Joushi sticked his tongue out at me again, as he raised his hand higher.

Curses! I hate it that I'm so small!

"Stop it." Kyo interrupted us, when he stole the paper , crumpled it and threw it outside the window. "Your making our Teacher cry."

I didn't even notice that our teacher, Ms. Ria arrived.

Ms.Ria's tears streamed down on her face like a fountain while looking at her students. "Why won't my students be friends with one another."

We can't blame Ms.Ria for hating one another,In our class, most of the boys and girls fight one another, even our principal can't help it (If the principal will expel one of us, she'll lose money, since this school needs money they won't expel us.)

Then the bell rings, guess it's time for class

"WHEN WILL YOU GUYS EVER STOP FIGHTING?!" Ms. Ria shouted at us, then sigh. "You guys give me headaches everyday."

We just nodded, others were sleeping and talking.

"Aha! I got an Idea!" Ms. Ria exclaimed "Boys and Girls will have a Presentation together!"

All of us Complained, some even booed.

"No complains!" Ms.Ria smiled as she scribbled something in the wall.

"FLUTE PLAYING PRESENTATION" I read quietly in mind.

"Okay, your partners will be your seatmates(obviously Girl and Boy) no complaining, and no changing of partners." Ms.Ria said as she passed us the Music Piece. "Deadline in 3 days."

I looked at my seatmate, and Kyo smiled crookly at me. Damn that smile! I can feel my cheek burning.

"It's a pleasure to be your partner, Mi-kun." Kyo teased.

"Oh, the pleasure is mine" I said sarcasticly, and we shaked hands.


Hi Everyone! I'm new here!

This is my first story ever published in Wattpad i hope you'll like it.

I'm really bad at Grammars,Spellings and Story Making so please tell me if you spotted something wrong!! Feel free to Comment :D


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