Chapter 30

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Kyo's POV

Damnit. My head hurts again.

I can't help but get curious about Mika. She seems so AWFULLY familiar, but I can't put my tongue in it.

What's making me more curious about her, is that she seems to know all of the things I love and hate, and some things even my Mom doesn't know.

Whenever I try to think hard, my brain hurts and starts a headache.

I tried asking my Mom about her, but she still insists that she doesn't know much other than she works together with me. I still feel like she's hiding something, VERY IMPORTANT.

It been 4 months and tomorrow is the final day 'till my contract with Mika ends, and then she leaves and goes back to her friend back her home. It was such a sudden announcement, but her parents agreed to it.

I went to sleep to clear up my head, so that this headache would go away.


I saw a blurd and unfamiliar scene of myself and another girl wearing a red scarf.

"Pinky promise?" the girl said and reached out her pinky.

I saw a my own self laughed, "What are you? 8?"

"Just promise me!" The girl pouted.

"Alright, Alright!" I/He wrapped his pinky around her's.

"I Pinky Promise."

Then suddenly it was all black.


I woke up, feeling like I dreamt something Important. But because I didn't want to have anymore headache, I just shrugged it off and took a shower.

Another daily routine, after shower, I changed clothes, groom, went downstairs, eat, pack my things and said good bye to my Mom.

"Today is the last day of Mika's contract with mine." I murmured to myself.

"Hm, I wonder what will she wear today. She always have this sense of Fashion I find very adorable-" I stopped my thoughts. "Oh crap, stop thinking about her! It's not like you lov-like her. She's just a simple business work mate."

"Are you sure?" the other in-side of my self said.

I groaned. "Go away."


I arrived at the building, and saw Mika talking with my brother Ryu. I wonder when did he arrived.

Some part of me suddenly felt weird, and it's like it's saying.. "Back off, Ryu." But again, I just shrugged it off.

Mika then stopped talking to Ryu, she smiled and waved at me. "Good Morning Kyo!"


I waved at her. Did my heart just seriously beat really loud like a second there?

Mika was wearing an outfit, that literally makes me want to see her more and more with different styles. She was wearing a white sleeveless top, with black blazer, black skater's skirt and red hot stilettos. Her hair was tied back into a pony tail and curled at the tip. She wore light make-up, since it was obvious she doesn't like to wear much make-up.

"Oh, hi bro." Ryu smiled, but some part of me felt like he was feeling unconscious.

What's with me today?

Suddenly Ryu looked at Mika, confused. Then Mika just smiled at him.

"So bro. When did you arrived?" I looked at Ryu.

"O-Oh just a couple of hours ago, I was just checking in with my other dealers and also our family."

I laughed, "Well, we're all fine here."

"Guys, I'm just gonna go inside. It's getting kinda cold outside here." Mika cut in, and took out her Red scarf that she wore the first time we met.

When she went inside, it was like a slow-motion part for me.

Her scarf flowed slow by the wind along with her hair.

I somehow felt like I've seen that Scarf before.

"Okay." Ryu said, "Talk to you later then."

The day went perfectly smooth; Ryu was telling me stuff about his travel and how hard work it was to stay awake at night meetings, some simple and easy peasy paper works were needed to be signed and checked and also I had to deal with other staff workers that need some help.

It was almost the end time, and Mika and I were at the main office of her parents. It was the time for our contract to end.

And finally at the end, Mika and I shook our ends and bowed to each other in respect.

I went home, feeling I just missed something- or that I just lost something important.


I arrived home, went by the gate and saw that Ryu's car was parked inside.

I went inside the house and went straight to my room to change clothes.

Then I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in."

"Yo, Kyo." Ryu came in wearing only his lime-green boxers.


"I just heard that you were in an accident, I'm really sorry Bro. I wished I have known sooner." he scratched his back.

"It's okay." I smiled at him.

"So, uhm I just want to ask you.." he said uncertainly.


"Can I hit on Mika?"



I will try to update sooner. I think the next would be either the final or the second to the last chapter.

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