Chapter Two

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It’s been four days since the incident with Amber. Since then she’s kept on doing it which then repeats of me cutting myself. Today’s a Saturday which means I can just hide in my room and from the world.

“Kelly darling breakfast is on the table,” mum said softly through the door. She’s normally the one that I can turn to when things get bad but recently I’ve not been able to speak to anybody. No one knows about the cutting, not even Tanya and she’s my closest best friend.

“I’ll be down in a minute,” I replied as I climbed out of bed. I pulled down my top that had come up during the night. I put on my fluffy slippers and went downstairs.

“Alright fat shit,” Ashton smirked as I came down. I ignored him and went to my bacon sandwich that was on the table. I sat down and stared at it thinking about the words Ashton told me.

“Are you going to eat it?” mum asked. I looked up at her and shook my head. She took a seat across from me and held my hands in hers. This normally meant that she wanted me to open up to her no matter how bad it is.

“I’m just not hungry,” I lied and pushed the plate away.

“Come on Kelly I know when you’re lying,” she sighed and lifted my head up to face her.

“I’m not hungry,” I shrugged. I hated lying to my mum, we used to be so close but after everyone started to tease me it got hard to talk to anyone.

“Fine then, you are not leaving this table until you either eat it or tell me what’s going on,” she sighed and got up to do the dishes. She normally did this when I wouldn’t eat my vegetables when I was younger.

“Mum can the boys come round today so we can practise a couple of songs before the mini gig tour next week?” Ashton asked.

“You can if you tell me what’s wrong with your sister,” she said looking over her shoulder. Shit he’s going to tell her about Amber. He looked at me and I gave him a ‘please don’t’ look.

“She’s being bullied in school by this girl at lunch,” he smirked. I looked down at my knees.

“Why what’s this girl saying?” mum asked.

“She calls her a slag and a slut,” I could hear the smile on Ashton’s face as he spoke.

“And what do you do about it?” mum asked sitting back down across from me.

“Well nothing because she does it when I’m outside. Can the boys come round now?” my mum slowly nodded and he ran to the living room.

“Just because people from school are bullying you doesn’t mean you have to bring yourself down about it. If you stop eating then you’ll get ill and I don’t want on of my babies to get ill,” I gave her a small smile and took a bite out of the bacon sandwich. I hated every bite I took but I did it for my mum, she was my world. If only she knew what else was going on.

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