Chapter Seventeen

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Today was the last day of the busking tour and soon we would be back home. In fact the boys were playing in Melbourne so all I wanted to do was relax.

The past week has been luxurious. I've not worried about anyone, school, summer homework or even the fact I'm dying. Dying has never sprung to my mind once this week. Maybe that's because I've spent it with the four idiots that have recently meant so much to me.

Ashton and I feel loads more closer since the 'incident'. I lost my virginity to Michael Clifford, the boy I've had this huge crush on since year 7. The other two most popular kids in school Luke and Calum were now my best friends. I'm having an awesome summer apart from the fact I'll be dead by the end of it.

"Come on Kelly," Michael shouts. I took one last look in the bathroom mirror before feeling satisfied. I wore Michael's Green Day tee, black skinny jeans, my black converse, my princess necklace showing over my top, bracelets covering the scars on my wrist and my brown hair fell loosely on my back. This is the first time since I was 7 and playing 'dress up' that I've actually felt... pretty.

"How do I look?" I twirled throwing my head back in laughter. Since being with Michael I have been more happy and I've even felt loved.

"Perfect," Michael said pulling me closer to him. He wore a big smirk on his face before kissing the top of my head.

"I love you," I smiled and kissed his nose. He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you too," he mumbled into my hair. I looked over at Ash, who was getting really inpatient so I pulled away from the hug and we left.

The boys decided to set up in front of a fountain, but not too close since Luke didn't want his back getting wet. He's such a puff but its really funny. A couple of girls had already formed a circle so the boys started.

"Before we start singing I'd just like to say how much fun we've had on this busking tour," Michael started and smiled at me. I smirked back remembering past experiences on the tour bus.

"Including Luke and Cal getting stuck in the hotel elevator," Ash mentioned making them both blush straight away.

"And Michael sharing some memories with his lovely girlfriend," Luke said making a dance with his eyebrows. As everyone turned to look at my I felt a blush creep on my face.

"More memories you'll ever spend with her Hemmings," Michael shit a glare at Luke.

"Can you just sing I'm getting bored," I teased and Calum rolled his eyes before strumming his guitar.


"So you really broke Ashton's arm when you were 6?" Luke clarified. We were sitting round a booth in KFC before we left to go home.

"Yep, and he cried for ages about it," I laughed as the memories flooded my brain.

"Hey Kel, do you remember in Disneyland when we went on one of the rides you puked on this old woman?" Ashton laughed.

"Well I had just eaten 5 lollies and the ride was fast so she had no chance," I shrugged.

"I was once sick on my dad's bosses £100 shoes," Michael admitted trying not to laugh.

"Oh my gosh, how old were you?" Cal asked as he bit his lip from the laughter that was about to explode from his mouth.

"I was 14 and my mum had to go upstairs so she could laugh," he nodded.

"We should probably get going," Luke yawned. It was 10 and we were due to get back tomorrow morning. Not like it took 12 hours to get back but the drivers gonna stop at the services to sleep.

"Yeah," I agreed and Michael emptied our trays in the bin. I entwined our fingers together as we walked back to the bus.

"What do you want to do?" Ashton asked after we had changed into our sleeping attire. The boys just wore joggers or shorts whilst I stole on of Michael's top with my knickers. I didn't care since I would probably get a blanket to wrap round Michael and I no matter what we were doing.

"Let's have a High School Musical marathon," Cal suggested and all the boys agreed. We went into the cinema room and Michael brought in a blanket and my teddy.

"Get comfy princess," he whispered as the movie started. I rested my head on his chest as he held me close to his body.

All throughout the 3 movies Claim decided to get naked and sing and dance along to the songs. It didn't bother me until he started shouting at Michael and I for making out. These 4 guys were my best friends and I needed them. I needed them until the end.

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