Chapter Twenty

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I fluttered my eyes open to reveal a plain white room and an annoying noise of constant beeping. I felt something wedged between my hip and arm so I looked down at it. It was the purple unicorn Michael had got me from the tour. I smiled slightly and looked around the room. Michael was leaned on the wall looking down at the floor, Mum was staring at the wall ahead and Ashton was fast asleep on the chair beside me.

"Why is everyone looking so miserable?" I asked. My voice was weak and I was in so much pain.

"Baby, are you okay?" Mum sighed a sigh of relief as I locked my eyes onto Michael. He hadn't even responded to my question, he just kept on looking down at his feet.

"Yeah I'm fine, what about Michael?" I asked. He still didn't flinch at the mention of his name. Why was he acting so weird?

"He's been like that since you came in a few days ago. He won't talk to anyone and he's had no sleep, unless he sleeps when he's like that. I don't even think he's moved from there," mum gave him a sympathetic smile before looking back at me.

"What do you mean a few days?" I asked her. I looked to see Ash was still sound asleep and then looked back at her.

"Well you collapsed in the store, the doctors waited for 24 hours and then agreed to have surgery," she informed me.

"You mean they found a transplant so the cancer is gone?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm going to get the doctor so he can explain what happens now," she smiled and walked out.

"Michael?" I said but more like a question. I picked up the teddy but it hurt since I was stiff and aimed it at him. He looked next to the unicorn and then at me.

"I didn't get you the unicorn to throw at me," he lightly laughed picking it up from the floor. I rolled my eyes as he came over to me.

"I heard that you've been like that for ages," I gave him a weak smile which he returned one back.

"I'm just so glad to be talking to you know, I love you princess," he placed the unicorn back in my arms and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too Mikey," I smiled and looked up at him. His normally bright green eyes were dull and had bags under them. His lips shaped a frown and his hair was messy.

"Ah, so you are awake Miss Irwin," the doctor smiled. I returned one as best as I could and Michael sat down in the chair next to Ashton's.

"Awake and ready to party," I joked and he laughed slightly. I was never really good at making jokes.

"So your mother has informed you of the kidney transplant?" he asked.

"Yeah, great news isn't it," I looked over at Michael who had tight hold my hand.

"It sure is! It also means that you'll be back on your feet in no time," I smiled at the news I had just received.

"Thanks doctor," I mumbled. All I wanted to do was leave and sleep in my own bed.

"Mum, can I see Tan and Lou please?" I asked.

"Course you can, come on Michael you can help me with the food since hospital food is shit," mum said and with that both mum and Michael left.

"Ashton," I said normally hoping that would wake him. "Ashton" I repeated a little louder. This time his eyes opened and suddenly closed again, adjusting the amount of light.

"You're alive," he smiled. I nodded and he gave me a hug.

"Kelly," Tan and Lou yelled in unison. I looked over at the door to see them both smiling madly.

"How are you?" Tan asked sitting on the chair next to Ash.

"Yeah I'm good, my chest hurts slightly but I'm just glad the cancers gone," I sighed nodding my head slightly.

"Good, I think," Lou frowned not knowing whether it was a good thing or not.

"Meghan's gone back to her dad's after we told her where to shove it," Tan smiled. I returned a small smile and Ashton held my hand tightly.

"Good afternoon Miss Irwin," one of the nurses smiled. I read her name tag which read 'Nurse Brickle' and laughed slightly at the unusual name.

"Good afternoon Nurse Brickle," I smiled back.

"I have come to tell you that you will be staying over night, just so we can monitor you and that I suggest you get some rest now darling" she informed me and I nodded and looked back over to Ash, Tan and Lou.

"We'll see you tomorrow Kel," Tan and Lou gave me a small wave before leaving the room.

"I'll be out there if you need anything," Ash whispered and kissed my forehead.

Once everyone was out of the room my eyes closed and I soon drifted into a deep sleep.


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