Chapter 5-Dinner Dates & Douchebags

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Jamie's Pov.

"It will be fun I guess",I shrugged as we entered the house.
Jared nodded at me and closed the door behind him.
I noticed movement in the kitchen and so naturally I headed in that direction only to see my mother chopping up vegetables at the kitchen counter.
"Mom",I said hugging her.
"Jamie,I thought you guys would be later so I could surprise you with supper",she said hugging me tighter.
"Mom why are you tiring yourself out even more?You must be exhausted,I mean we haven't seen you in days",said Jared.
"I have a house to run you know",she smiled.
She was so beautiful,even though she lacked sleep she still looked like a queen.
"How's school?",she asked as Jared went to the fridge to rummage in it.
"Good,hey ma you'll never guess who goes to our new school",I smirked.
"Ariana Grande?"
"No mom,I meant like one of our friends",I rolled my eyes.
"Adam Martin",Jared piped throwing an apple in the air and catching it before it hit our mother on the head.
"Adam?Trisha's son?Delightful little boy",Mom said as she chopped up more celery.
"Yes and he invited us to dinner tonight",I said.
"Tonight?But I'm making meat loaf tonight honey",she frowned.
"We can't disrespect him ma",I shrugged.
"Yeah please let us go",Jared begged.
"Okay head off before your father gets home and be back before eleven."
"Thanks mom",I said kissing her on the cheek and walking off.

Instead of Adam picking us up we decided to meet him halfway which was at Fifth and Main street.After he introduced us to his friend Eric we made our way to the restaurant which was only a five minute walk away.
"The girls will be here in a few minutes",Adam said as we walked to a large table in the vintage styled restaurant.
The table had eight chairs situated around it so my guess was that Penelope was bringing three of her friends along.
"So you and this Penelope girl huh?",Jared smiled as we sat down.
"Her friend actually introduced me to her earlier this week and we really hit it off."
"All I've been hearing is Penelope this and Penelope that",Eric laughed.
"I'm happy for you man",I nodded.
"Forget about me,what about you?",Adam asked curiously.
"I don't think I have a chance anymore,but hey I have soccer to live for right?",I chuckled to lighten the mood.
"There's the girls",Eric said.
"This conversation's not over",Adam whispered to me as he stood up.
Two girls approached us.One was quite tall with raven hair that was straight and silky,she had a cheeky look to her too.The girl that walked next to her was a lot shorter,she wore nerdy glasses and she seemed quiet.
"Hey girls where's-",Adam started but then he stopped and looked toward the door.
"I had to tie my shoe lace",a girls voice echoed before we could actually see her.
"Ahh of course",Adam smiled and just then she walked in,I felt a lump form in my throat.
Was I even breathing?I began to shuffle in my chair.
"This is why I wanted to pick you guys up,because I knew Mia would be late",Eric laughed as she reached the table.
"Maybe I just didn't want to come",Mia said giving Penelope a look.
"Well...since everyone's here,introduction?",Adam shrugged.
"Please",Peneloped nodded.
"Okay, girls you know Eric so I would like you to meet Jamie and Jared,two of my friends from a while back,and boys this is Penelope,Yoko and of course Mia",Adam sighed.
The girls smiled at us,well Mia didn't smile.She just looked at me while I looked at her.
"Sit guys,we should order",Eric said.
They all sat down and everyone began chatting,even Jared was making conversation with Penelope and Yoko.
"We should order a huge pizza and just go to town",Jared smirked.
"We should order a pizza the size of town",Yoko said pushing up her glasses.
"I like your thinking",Eric replied.
"What do you want Jamie?",Adam asked.
"Whatever you guys are getting,I'm so starved I could eat anything and you can believe that",I smiled not wanting to look at Mia.
"Okay Roman Reigns",Penelope piped.
"Hey Mia,what does your cute self wanna eat?",Eric asked.
She looked at him expressionless.
"Slow down there Eric,we don't want Trent to come beat you up",Adam said as him and Eric began to laugh.
"I'm going to the bathroom",Mia said leaving the table.
"Good idea,my tank is also full",I said leaving before anyone asked any questions.
Mia was standing outside the girls restroom with her back against the wall.
"How are the facilities?"
She looked at me.
"You lied to me",she shook her head.
"And you have a boyfriend,we're both annoyed",I shrugged.
"You're just like them",she laughed.
"Like who?"
"Like every other guy."
Hearing her say that hurt me more than I wanted to admit. I swallowed hard and prepared to speak.
"I have a younger brother,Jonah.He's a real...annoyance and I'm the one who always has to take care of him.So last night he was playing and instead of watching him I was completing my biology homework and he fell.He barely got hurt but of course my dad wasn't hearing any of it,he doesn't ever want to hear what I have to say.I've got this scar to prove it."
"He hit you",she said with wide eyes.She looked as if she wanted to cry.
"I just said that you know",I smiled.
"He hits you a lot doesn't he?"
"I try to follow the rules",I shrugged.
She shook her head and looked up at me,straight into my soul.
She brought her hand up and traced it on my face,right on the bruise.
"I'm sorry",she said realising what exactly she was doing and so she moved her hand.
"Don't be,your hand is really warm.Comforting."
She looked down.
"But of course your boyfriend might want to come beat me up",I added jokingly.
"I don't have a boyfriend."
"Huh?I mean ohh",I coughed.
"They joke about my trauma,that's what friends are for",she shrugged as she began to walk back to the table.
I waited a while and headed back.
Everyone was discussing something indepthly.
"What did I miss?"
"The food's here and Eric made another pass at Mia",Jared filled me in.
I was beginning to get annoyed with this Eric character.
Before another word was uttered the sound of hip hop music filled the atmosphere and then Mia retrieved her phone from her pocket,holding it up to her ear.
She listened to someone who seemed like they were rambling and then nodded as if they were able to see her.
"I'm on my way",she said ending the call.
"Where are you going?"Penelope questoned.
"My mom's not doing to well,I need to go home."
"-but Mia",Penelope squealed.
"You want my mother to die too?",Mia rolled her eyes.
"Chi Chi!",Yoko shouted.
"Sorry,I just really got to leave",she said standing to her feet.
"Fine but make sure Aunty Aurora takes her meds."
"Okay,bye guys",Mia said and with one last look at me she left.
I fought the urge to run after her and offer to walk her home,if she wanted I would make soup for her mother.Not that I knew how to.
I hoped everything was okay as I sank down in my chair.

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